Dear Congregation,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to you. As many of you know, I work a full time job as an elementary music and chorus teacher for Fairfax County. I also have three kids that keep me very busy with sports and other kid “stuff.” I recently approached Hillary with a request to cut back my hours with Epiphany in a way that I thought would be beneficial to the church and my family. After some discussion, in an effort to continue the growth of the Music Ministry, including the Children’s Choir, the Praise Band and the Adult Choir, it is best for my last day to be February 4th.  
I am sorry to have to leave and would love to stay in touch with the many friends I have made at Epiphany. You all have a special, growing community that I have been blessed to be a part of for the past three years. I wish you all the best in the future and will continue to think highly of each of you. I have learned so much from you all and will carry those lessons with me forever.

Dear Friends:

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Jane’s message is being received with a very heavy heart. We know well the impact Jane has had on the Music Ministry of Epiphany. She has risen to every challenge: creating and building a happy Children’s Choir; leading the Praise Band; arranging for professional instrumentalists and singers to be with Epiphany who come because of Jane’s stellar reputation and expertise; holding fun filled musical teaching sessions, leading music for Vacation Bible School and faithfully doing everything in her power to build the ever present Adult Choir. We are grateful for Jane’s time with us. Her devotion and loyalty are without question. She befriends all in her path. All know Jane’s ever present patience and kindness. She brings a holiness to worship when she sings that sends us to the heavens in thanksgiving for her great gifts.

Jane is an initiator. Early on in her short ministry with Epiphany, Jane created the seasonal Saturday workshops, targeting especially those who think of themselves as “not able to sing,” empowering them to learn the music for the liturgical season and help lead in congregational singing. Creative in every way, Jane designed a worship music agenda with the idea of every one participating in worship through music every week through choir, instruments, as soloists and singing in the congregation. Immediately following the startup of the 8:30 a.m. worship service Jane offered to play music for the Rite I worship. During Thursday evening Worship Planning Meetings, Jane repeatedly searches for new and innovative ways to express our thanks and praise to God through music in worship. Wherever there is an opportunity for the sacred to be present through music, Jane has found a way.

Jane has formed many lasting, loving relationships with Epiphany. We will miss her deeply. This is not an easy parting for Epiphany. We will say our farewells knowing full well that those who walk with the Lord never see one another for the final time. In the meantime we will say our prayers knowing that God will reveal to us a replacement for Jane as time goes along.

Thank you for believing in Jane, and for supporting her in her very good work as Minister of Music with Epiphany.

Please, should you have thoughts, concerns or words you’d like to express concerning the next steps for the Music Ministry of Epiphany, let me know. As well, feel free to attend a 5:30 Thursday Weekly Worship meeting and be a part of planning worship with Epiphany.

We will say farewell to Jane during 10:00 a.m. Family Worship on February 4th.

