It’s necessary that there are groups among you, to make it clear who is genuine.” 1 Corinthians 11:19

Dear Friends:

School is beginning. I’ve signed up to take a course. Please, join me. The six week, on-line live class is entitled “Heretics in Good Company”. Forward Movement’s The Rev. Scott Gunn, founder of Lent Madness, along with The Rev. Melody Shobe will be teaching the class every Wednesday night from 8:00-9:00 p.m. beginning September 12. Sit in the comfort of your own easy chair, your bedroom, or at your desk and participate in the offering from ChurchNext. There’s a cost of $9.00 per month which includes dozens and dozens of other offerings. You pick. But, right now, “Heretics in Good Company” sounds like it’s truly timely. I’m going to fit “Heretics in Good Company” into my schedule. Let me know if you’re planning on participating in “Heretics in Good Company”. We’ll plan to share notes and comments about “Heretics in Good Company”.

Sign up:

What is a heretic? Well, the dictionary suggests a heretic is a nonconformist, a dissenter, a free thinker. Heretics protest against conventional doctrine and thinking. The early church is historically ridden with heretics. Docetists believed Jesus was not fully human. Arians believed Jesus was not fully divine. The Catholic Church imprisoned Galileo for being a heretic. It was almost 400 years before the church apologized. Many will argue that the apostle Paul is a heretic as he protested the Roman civil authorities. Was Jesus a heretic? If that’s the case, I want to be a heretic!

Heretics can lead us to think about change for the better. Or, heretics may be those folks who open our minds to look seriously at truth that can become concealed. On Sunday following worship some of us with Epiphany traveled to Lafayette Park across from the White House to support the counter protest of the Unite the Right rally. The rally-ers were outnumbered by the counter protesters by thousands and thousands. Groups who claim an allegiance with Black Lives Matter, United Against Hate, March for Racial Justice, Democratic Socialist of America, religious groups, gay groups, trans groups, all united to protest the hatred and bigotry of white supremacy. The full force of thousands standing for what we believe is true and just diluted any possible influence the white supremacists may have had on Sunday. Are these groups heretical because they protested, because they do not conform, because they may be labeled as free thinkers? Probably not. But, what we did learn from this mix match of folks from all different places and walks of life is: we’re better and more effective together in our differences standing together against hatred and bigotry than we ever would be apart.

Having marched in Charlottesville where hatred and evil dominated the day, I’m thankful to God for a united group of people who stand strong for peace, hope and love. We are a blessed country rich in diversity and opportunity, but not without its challenges. We are a free people able to stand and speak for what we believe is true. But, hatred will not and does not prevail. My prayer is that God in Christ will lead me, and us all, to a deeper understanding of how in our differences we can peacefully learn to love one another. That may be heretical! It was for Jesus!

Perhaps wisdom and understanding is a road to loving one another. On Sunday in worship, we’ll begin to wind down our David Series as we look at the continuation of David’s dynasty as Solomon takes the throne, seeking wisdom and understanding from God in 1 Kings 1-5. Later on Sunday, beginning at 6:00 p.m. come gather for the interfaith series and learn from our brothers and sisters in the Islamic tradition. We find over and over again that we share more in common than not. The Parent Support Group gathers for a pot luck dinner at 5:00 p.m. Supervised care for kids is provided while parents spend time in comfortable conversation. Parents, remember to pray for one another. This very informal and low key gathering is a wonderful way to build solid friendships.

SAVE the DATE for September 8th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. for FALL FUN DAY. There is something for everyone from a Bike-a-thon to a 50/50 raffle to Friendship Café hot dogs to a silent auction and lots of jumping in the Bounce House. Mark your calendars, bring friends, family and neighbors and enjoy an afternoon.

Enjoy these final days, and if you’re able, make them lazy, hazy days of summer. We’ll see you on Sunday!

Many blessings,
