“People are hungry, hungry for faith, for something to believe in…”
Dear Friends:
This week, in talking with a friend and colleague, he told me a story of having lunch with a parishioner. She is able to give generously of her resources. As well, she is and has been for decades, a faithful soul, participating in the Episcopal Church. In talking with her, my friend was truly stymied when she said, “I don’t pledge. I don’t want my money to go down a black hole.” He then realized that he needed to tell her where the pledged funds go in the life of the church. It was that simple. Once explained, happily, the faithful church goer offered her pledge. Why? Two reasons. Because she knew where the money was going. And, second, she remembered some wise words she her from a financial adviser, “always invest in what you believe in!”

My friends, thank you for believing in Epiphany! Here’s where your money goes. Eighteen percent of budgeted income goes into the Outreach Ministry of Epiphany. This means that a good amount of Epiphany’s operating budget is ministering to our friends and neighbors who hunger and thirst. As well, Outreach reaches to the surrounding area providing space for shelter and opportunities for learning and enrichment. Our space is also used for three Scout Troops, an Irish dance studio, a large non-denominational youth group, neighboring church retreats, Bible studies, therapy pet training classes, as well as a Hypothermia Shelter, a kitchen for Hot Meals preparation, refrigerator storage for the weekly Food Pantry and a storage unit and distributor for Food4Thought meals for Fairfax County school kids. Your generous pledge doesn’t go “to” the church. Rather, your financial gift goes “through” the church to touch the lives of hundreds upon hundreds of people each and every week.
Each and every week, your money, with God’s generous blessing, enables Epiphany to give thanks and praise to God through worship, utilizing forty-four percent of our budgeted income. Currently our average Sunday morning attendance in worship has increased to about one hundred fifty people. Our central act of worship is the Lord’s Supper, the bread and the wine, what we think of as our fuel. We’re a fueling station for those who seek and serve Christ in all people. It is worship, its music, its message, God’s Word, its prayers, its fellowship, its community, that enable us to go out into the world to make God’s world a world everyone can come to know and love.
Adult Learning and Children, Youth and Family Ministry occupy just twenty percent of Epiphany’s circle of income. With that enterprising percentage, miracles happen in Youth Confirmation class, Adult Episcopal 101, Sunday School for some eighty children, Parent Support Group monthly, Vacation Bible School annually impacting thirty or more households with Epiphany and in the neighborhood, Women’s Bible study and Retreat, Adult Learning with Interfaith pot luck dinners and discussion and Epiphany’s Preschool.
Your gifts fund eighteen percent of the Parish Life budget which facilitates the Newcomer Ministry, Sunday morning fellowship following worship, Christian Support through meals for families, regular prayers, hospital visits, and companionship. Parish Life also incorporates all communication through our website, signage on our highly visible corner, the internal weekly e-message, the rolling messages across the screens, social media networks which invite those not always with us on Sunday mornings, as well as Facebook mentions, photographs and video snippets.
What’s amazing, your pledge promises fund more than half of the 2019 $440,000 dollar budget which also incorporates rental income to our forty thousand square foot property. These are ministries and good work in the name of God in Christ worth believing in!
Thank you for participating in Celebration Sunday last week. What a joyous time for us all to visit, enjoy fun food and learn more about the various ways to share our time, talent and treasure with Epiphany. October 20 is giving Sunday. You’ll have a chance to submit your pledge commitment in worship. Prayerfully give thought to increasing your pledge. My increase a month for the 2020 pledge season is going to be $25.00 more. It’s not much. Just about two fewer lunches a month at a restaurant. But, imagine, my friends, if one hundred and fifty households were to increase their pledge $25.00 a month, the annual pledge amount increase would amount to $45,000! With that increase in the pledge dollars Epiphany can move forward in supporting ministries as they so need to be supported, where we can look at re-instating a Choir Director to rebuild a Children’s Choir and support the Adult Musicians and Singers! The growing youth group dreams of redoing their meeting space upstairs in Room 130. Women, men, youth and families dream of retreat time away to Shrine Mont or other locations to just rest, feast, pray and learn. More opportunities to prepare Hot Meals for our friends on the streets of Fairfax are always a possibility. Your increase could help make these dreams come true!
Again, give your commitment prayerful consideration and invest in what you believe in! It’s so worth it! We’ll see you Sunday for 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist with just a bit of music and in plenty of time to get your day going. Family Worship at 10:00 a.m. with a special focus on children followed by another great feast offered by the Admin and Operations Ministry! Sunday evening at 5:30 return for Blessing of the Animals (in lieu of Celtic Worship this month). Bring your animals, pets, photos of pets, stuffed animals, whatever needs blessing! Then, at 6:30 p.m. we’ll continue with Episcopal 101 in room 120. We’ll be looking at the Episcopal Church history, and why we worship the way we do. If you’re interested in being Confirmed, Received or Reaffirmed in the Episcopal Church, Episcopal 101 is for you!
Finally, thank you good friends for believing in a God who calls us to be Epiphany, the church on the corner, where God loves us all, no exceptions. Together, we are making a difference!
Many blessings,