be still and know that I am God...” Psalm 46:11

Dear Friends: 

When Ghandi visited South Africa and all its upheaval during the apartheid he is to have said that if just 1% of the people would meditate we would have peace. Just 1%! I imagine at least 1% of the people in the United States are practicing the ancient prayer form of meditation. Let’s join them. This Advent, in an effort to practice our theme of Peace, we’re offering five sessions of Centering Prayer.

Centering Prayer begins tonight at 7:00-7:45 p.m. Plan to come and practice the peace of a simple and sincere form of prayer from the heart. 

Former Trappist monk Basil Pennington, known as the master of Centering Prayer, reminds us that meditative prayer begins with faith. We’re called to “be in faith and love and faith comes through hearing” the word of God. Too often in our prayer life we find ourselves weary from our prayer load. We offer up prayers for this or prayers for that or prayers for this person to be well and the other to know peace. We walk away from our prayer time exhausted from our biddings. Father Basil Pennington suggests we come to prayer from the heart with simplicity and sincerity. We encounter God through quiet listening for that sacred word or phrase that is God speaking to each of us in the silence of listening. 

Here’s how Centering Prayer works:

*Enter. Come; relax; sit with back straight and feet firmly on the floor; eyes closed. (Our eyes open and constantly searching suck our energy). Find quiet.  

*Lectio. Hear or Listen to scripture; known as Lectio or receiving the word of God. Listen for a word or phrase that calls to you. God places this love word or love phrase in your heart. 

*Meditation. For as long as twenty minutes, in silence, turn our attention to the Lord by Meditating on a word or a phrase that speaks solely to you. (Tonight, we’ll start with the timer on for ten minutes). While concentrating it’s easy to become distracted: the grocery list, the project at work, the phone call that must be made, the one more promise for the children. Wipe the distractions from your mind by turning back to your word or phrase God is placing on your heart. 

*Oratio. Chew on the love word or love phrase and take it apart. Digest your love word or phrase and make it your own. 

*Contemplatio. Simply rest in God with a vulnerability that allows you to surrender to God’s love and care for you. Give thanks and complete your prayer time with The Lord’s Prayer. 

Centering Prayer is a practice that is atypical for our noisy, crowded, busy Northern Virginia lifestyles. So, be good to yourself in this practice. Find twenty minutes, hopefully once a day to sit with the silence of God’s word. Find support and reinforcement by attending the five Centering Prayer sessions during Advent: Wednesdays, tonight, December 4 and 11 and 18 from 7:00-7:45 p.m. in Room #120 to the left of the worship space doors (#1). And Sundays December 8 and 15 from 5:30-6:15 through the Garden Entrance (#2) doors in room #151. Come tonight or any or all evenings to give a boost to your prayer discipline. No goals in Centering Prayer. Only to simply listen and let God’s love word or phrase melt away in your heart. In so doing may you find yourself filled with God’s peace. 

Centering Prayer will enrich your worship as well. Word and Sacrament will rest deeper into your soul. Worship on Sunday will take us into the story of John the Baptist. Also, kids will come from Sunday School, leave their shoes in the Gathering Space and visit with St. Nicholas as a treat awaits them. Following worship, we’ll once again pack meals for Fairfax County School kids with Food4Thought. Christmas Pageant rehearsal follows as does Sunday Circle for youth. We’ll gather again at 5:30 for Centering Prayer in room #151. 

Don’t forget the Spaghetti Dinner with the Youth on Friday night from 6:00-8:00. Help the kids fund their ski trip in January with your generous donations toward the tasty meal. 

My prayer for you this Advent season is peace; a peace that draws you deeper into God’s love for you.

See you tonight and over the weekend faithful ones.

Many blessings,


May the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you  and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His face upon you and give you  Shalom – Peace” (Numbers 6:24-26)