“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life…'” John 14:6

Dear Friends:

What’s next? In these weeks following Easter, we’ve been focusing on Luke’s book of Acts. In examining what acts formed the church we learn how knucklehead, Peter, fiercely holds Jesus’ followers accountable, assures them of the presence of risen Christ in our lives and calls us to change. Seemingly, all are a united community of believers as they share all that they have, praise God and demonstrate goodness to all. Remarkably the church grows to record breaking numbers. It’s not long before leaders determine a need for other leaders to be appointed to help care for the hungry, the widowed and the orphaned. Stephen, “a man who stood out for the way God’s grace was at work in his life” is selected along with six others to serve as deacons in the church, caring for the people. With deacons at the helm along with priests, the church continues to grow. What happens next is not so pleasant.

The authorities, now threatened by Stephen’s prophetic teaching of a saving God who comes to us in the person of Jesus Christ and who now sits in the exalted position of God’s right hand, are enraged. Grinding their teeth, they charge at Stephen, seize him and throwing him out of the city, he meets his death. Stephen prays his final words, “Lord Jesus, accept my life.” What’s next? The church is subject mightily to change as it continues to thrive.

What’s next for Epiphany? On Sunday, we’ll bid farewell to our most beloved deacon, the Rev. Gwynn Crichton, who also stands out for the way God’s grace is at work in her life. Happily, we will not be throwing her in anger out of the city. Rather, we’ll be surrounding her with love and gratitude as she goes on to serve God through St. Paul’s, Richmond. Well done good and faithful servants. You have formed Gwynn to be the deacon and priest God has called her to be. Gwynn’s trust in our resurrected, redeeming Lord, shines brilliantly as she energetically serves. We will miss our deacon Gwynn as she continues to carry out God’s ministry in Richmond. May St. Paul’s and the universal church grow and flourish under Gwynn’s watch.  Drive by on Sunday from 11:30-12:30 and wave farewell to Gwynn!  She wants to see you so she is able to hold the vision of your beautiful faces with her on her journey for what’s next! You bring her the hope of Christ!

What’s next? By now you have had a chance to take a quick look at the Bishop’s phased approach to regathering as Church, posted yesterday in your email. In quoting the Bishops of Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., “the hard truth is that we will not be able to welcome all people into our places of worship for the foreseeable future.” Yet, we will continue to be the church. We’ll continue to embrace Phase One with no physical, live, in-person gatherings. Virtual, live-streamed, online worship will continue. We are blessed as our communications ministry team is exceptional and way ahead of the curve in adapting to this new form of worship. Meetings, small groups, prayer groups will continue to zoom. Until the public health indicator show COVID19 reported cases on the decline, testing is ample, and health care for all is sufficient with equipment, will we move onto phase two. Phases three and four will include social distancing limited worship and reported COVID19 cases falling to zero with a vaccine available to all. Life after COVID19 is a resurrected life, a new life. Worship in person will also include virtual worship. Online giving will continue. Churches will work collaboratively to accomplish the wider goals of the church in its growth. What’s next will be an adaptation to a new reality, a new life as the church embraces hope. Christ is resurrected and so are we.

By now, I imagine many are getting weary, bored, and lonely. All the more reason to push forward in being the church. We’re here. We’re loving God and loving one another. Be a part of our life together. Celebrate and give thanks for new life as two babies are recently born into our community. Baby Elena to Meghan and Matt and baby Sarah to Megan and Amit! Alleluia and congratulations! This week, we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day. On Friday, weather permitting (or Saturday if necessary), Preschool teachers are planning to gather in the parking lot near their cars.   Families are welcome to drive by to wave a thank you and drop a note in baskets Gayle will have placed by each car. Thank you teachers of Epiphany’s Preschool, for always teaching us the gift of God’s love, patience, and kindness. 

Mother’s Day on Sunday will be as we’ve never known it. Give in honor of your mother to the Food Pantry, FACETS, Hot Meals, Herndon Cares, and help those moms and dads and others who are struggling desperately during this very challenging time. May the Lord whose steadfast love is constant as a mother’s care, send us out to live and work for others.

Then, as always, on Sunday, we’ll gather for virtual worship at 10:00 a.m. as filmed from the chapel. Log onto: https://EpiphanyEC.org/live click on the worship bulletin and join in the live stream online worship.   Please, remember to give generously to our common life as the church, Epiphany. Through you, God continues to bless our ministries, our staff, our facility.  Thank  you for your prayers and for the continued perseverance of your Senior and Junior Warden along with your Finance Ministry team.  Last night they learned that Epiphany has been approved for the PPP load to secure staff salaries and ministries!  Alleluia and Thank you!


What’s next?  God is with us.  God is calling us to serve with strength, and safe sheltering.  God brings us united as a worshiping community.  Let’s do it!

