… open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light…
– Acts 26:18
Dear Friends,
Did you know today is the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle? It is the season of Epiphany. And today the Episcopal Church celebrates the story of St. Paul’s conversion to follow Jesus. By a blinding light, Jesus appears to Paul. Conversion might be thought of as reimaging through reimaging.
Paul turned from persecuting Jesus’ followers to following Jesus himself. Not only did he turn to follow Jesus, but he was also “appointed” by Jesus to open the eyes of the Gentiles so that they would follow too.
The Magi follow a star by night, a light that sets their path ahead. Paul travels by day and is blinded by a light so bright his path disappears and he is stopped in his tracks. But he moves again, and he is new in practice and heart. An encounter with Jesus does that. It may never be as Paul experienced, but those encounters are light-filled. They can blind us and they do change us. They can change us profoundly.
We see anew. We see possibilities we could not see before the flash of love and divine presence temporarily blinded and stopped us. Then we can reimagine with eyes that are ready to reimage.
In about two weeks, on February 5th after worship, we get to hear and share stories about how we at Epiphany encountered God through Jesus in 2022. So much was new for us all. And we get to look ahead to 2023 as we reimagine the possible with God’s help. The reimagining has already begun, and we are excited to share!
Come hear the Good News! Then, let’s continue what Paul started. Let’s open the eyes of others. Be part of how God is working with us to feed and shelter. Discover what it is to assure all who receive and give as part of our community, our little patch of God’s people here in Franklin Farm, that God loves you. No exceptions. That is what it is to move out of darkness into light.
Come be with us on February 5th for worship, the annual meeting, and the fellowship that will follow with BBQ, hot dogs offered by our Parish Life ministry, and sides and deserts from those who are called to offer them.
In Peace,