Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth… you are the light of the world…”
– Matthew 5:13, 14
Dear Friends,
This past Sunday was a glorious day at Epiphany! Joyful Noise offered the light of their music; Dana, our Children, Youth, and Family Minister, delighted us with a message to the children (and us all!) about what it means to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world; we were blessed by the presence of new families; and the hard, good work of parish life made space and set out the food that so many offered for the fellowship that followed our Annual Meeting.
What a sense of our growing connection as we, together with God’s help, step closer to becoming Beloved Community, that is showing up as best we can as active participants in the unfolding of God’s kingdom.
If you did not make the meeting and wish to watch it, please let me know and we will get you access to the recording. You can also take a look at the Parish Annual Report HERE which provides some additional ministry information: the reports throughout the year from each ministry.
I’m excited about 2023 and hope you are too. I’m excited to discover with you what God’s dream for us is. I look forward to stepping a bit closer to that dream in 2023 with you. I look forward to stepping with our small steps, with our big hearts, and with all the salt and light within.
In Peace,