Embracing Uncertainty
Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd, “Let the entire house of Israel know with certainty that God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified.” (ACTS 2:14a, 36)
Paul proclaims Jesus as Lord and Messiah to all who will hear. He had an agenda. In this story from Acts, Paul wants the entire house of Israel to be baptized. Maybe his aim was to ensure the people were empowered to live Resurrection. But, what does that mean day-in and day-out for them and for us today? What does that look like? Where is the checklist for how to do that? There is no checklist.
There is no uniform template Resurrection living is courageously acting, moment-by-moment, by trusting in God’s power and love — through any reality, even those times when we decide who we are and what we have is forever lost.
Reality is always
Soft clay,
ever shifting and changing
its shape.
Fire it
into form, and at the very moment you are hailing it as final truth
it will break in your hands.
– Dorothy Walters, from “No Matter What You Know”
Remember: Bingo/Game Night at 6:30pm at Epiphany in the Narthex. Come enjoy pizza and bingo fun!
Worship every Sunday at 10am, in person and live-streamed