Open to Understand & Everything Comes Next
Jesus said to his disciples, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you– that everything written about me in the law of Moses, the prophets, and the psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures. (LK 24:44-45)
Tomorrow is Ascension Day. It is the day we mark the day the risen Christ was taken into heaven. It is the actual 40th day of Eastertide. It is an easily missed day of celebration because it rarely falls on a Sunday.
On Easter Day, the Resurrection, mourning and confusion were raw for Jesus’ disciples. Jesus spent time, valuable time, much-needed time with them in these 40 days. They got to look into his eyes. What healing there must have been. And before Jesus ascends, as the Evangelist Luke tells us, he opened their minds to understand the scriptures, to God’s promise, power, and love. A gift that must have made his Ascension not an experience of abandonment, but of blessed clarity. What started as confusion ended in clarity. They got to look into Jesus’ eyes, and he opened their minds. And they saw their beloved future with God. May we all experience the same.
Feeling Wise
A lady was quoted in the newspaper.
“It is not so hard to feel wise.
Just think of something dumb you could say,
Then don’t say it.
I like her.
I would take her gingerbread
if I knew where her house was.
Julia Child the famous chef said,
“I never feel lonely in the kitchen.
Food is very friendly.
Just look at a potato, I like
to pat it.”
Staring down,
you feel tall.
Staring into someone else’s eyes,
you’re not alone.
Staring out the window during school,
you become the future,
smooth and large.
– Naomi Shihab Nye, from Everything Comes Next
Sunday Fellowship: Come enjoy some honey treats!
Worship every Sunday at 10am, in person and live-streamed