April 24, 2024 |
Easter is a season of 50 days, not one. It is a season. A season longer than Lent. Longer than Advent. Longer than Christmastide. Longer than Epiphany (most of the time). Every one of these fifty days, for which we are now at the midpoint, is an invitation to focus attention on resurrection. What has emerged from the sacred, silent, and dark places? Look back and ahead. What has been healing and what has been healed? What healing has brought new understanding, new insights, new ways of being: for you? for your family? for the community? for this world? How are these new ways of being empowered, shaped, strengthened, and settled by the characteristics of God’s command of love: humility, vulnerability, acceptance, trust, and wonder? These characteristics that Jesus embodied, and through God made Jesus newly alive. How are you newly alive? How are we? Blessed Eastertide. |
Easter Blessing an Eastertide poem David Whyte |
The blessing of the morning light to you, may it find you even in your invisible appearances, may you be seen to have risen from some other place you know and have known in the darkness and that that carries all you need. May you see what is hidden in you as a place of hospitality and shadowed shelter, may that hidden darkness be your gift to give, may you hold that shadow to the light and the silence of that shelter to the word of the light, may you join all of your previous disappearances with this new appearance, this new morning, this being seen again, new and newly alive. —- © David Whyte From EASTER BLESSING In Memoriam John O’Donohue In THE BELL AND THE BLACKBIRD Poetry by David Whyte APRIL 2018 © David Whyte and Many Rivers Press |

Do you have any questions for the Camel? Questions about God, or Jesus, or the Church? About how to be Christian? Submit them via email to clergy@epiphanyec.org. Your name will be kept anonymous.
And a response will show up in a future Hump Day Message!
Worship Ministry Meeeting TONIGHT Wednesday, 4/24/2024, 6pm Guest Preacher The Reverend Lisa Bornt Sunday. 4/28/2024 Pentecost! Join us for a celebratory service Sunday 5/19/2024 |