May 23, 2024

Another poem for Pentecost and the season after.


by Derek Walcott

Better a jungle in the head
than rootless concrete.
Better to stand bewildered
by the fireflies’ crooked street;

winter lamps do not show
where the sidewalk is lost,
nor can these tongues of snow
speak for the Holy Ghost;

the self-increasing silenceĀ 
of words dropped from a roof
points along iron railings,
direction, in not proof.

But best is this night surf
with slow scriptures of sand,
that sends, not quite a seraph,
but a late cormorant,

whose fading cry propels
through phosphorescent shoal
what, in my childhood gospels,
used to be called the Soul.

Do you have any questions for the Camel? Questions about God, or Jesus, or the Church? About how to be Christian? Submit them via email to Your name will be kept anonymous. 

And a response will show up in a future Hump Day Message!


Sunday 5/26/2024: 10am – Trinity Sunday, Guest Preacher. the Rev. Mary Kay Brown
Sunday 6/2/2024 – 10 am worship, celebration of Sunday School teachers
Sunday, 6/9/2024, 10 am worship, celebration of graduates and parish picnic