Posts from July 2024

4 Items

Poem and Reflection: Genesis

by Epiphany Communications

July 31, 2024 Image attribution: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” Genesis 1:3 From the “Genesis: The Creation” book project. Copyright retained by J. Kirk Richards, Let there Be Light 1, Oil on Panel Continuing the Reflections We continue to make our way to the Nicene Creed series. As we […]

Pausing to Consider Dreams

by Epiphany Communications

July 24, 2024 A Pause for a Little Reflection Last week we began a series on the Nicene Creed. And we jumped ahead. Instead of starting at the beginning, we jumped into the middle. This week, we pause. A little moment offered as we pick up again next week from the actual beginning of a […]

Legislative History – Council of Nicaea

by Epiphany Communications

Legislative History – Council of Nicaeaby DIck Fichter, parishioner with support from Rev. Dina Legislative History- Council of Nicaea Continuing from last time, we are looking at the legislative history of the Nicene Creed to better understand its meaning with respect to the Holy Spirit. We decided to look at reports on the issues resolved by […]

A Hump Day Message – Camels Then and Now

by Epiphany Communications

July 3, 2024 THANK YOU! And – Camels Then and Now Thank you for providing me with a nice vacation period which enabled me to visit my cousins in Arizona and California. I had a great time with them, and I am only sorry that I was not able to enjoy the big Fourth of July […]