November 27, 2024

An Experience of the Holy Spirit & Its Gifts
an offering by Dick Fichter, parishioner with support from Rev. Dina

After attending graduate school for some time, I decided that research was not for me, and I accepted a position as a patent examiner with the U. S. Patent Office in Washington D.C. I was accepted into its program for substantial payment of my law school tuition which required a five-year commitment to the office.
I attended law school at night and during the summer for four years to obtain my degree while working full time as a patent examiner.
At the same time, Suzanne and I moved to northern Virginia and started our family with a home in Greenbriar. Prior to this period, we had always attended our Episcopal church where we lived on Long Island, but none since we moved to Virginia. Surprisingly, our son, a toddler, asked if we could attend church and the very next Sunday we started attending Truro Episcopal Church in Fairfax City. At that time, pretty much everything was east of Greenbriar, as we had to do grocery shopping in Fairfax City since there was a barn where the Greenbriar shopping center is now located.
There was a proposal at Truro during the 80’s to establish a mission further west of Fairfax City which resulted in the establishment of Epiphany as a mission in 1986. As traditional Episcopalians, we joined with other parishioners from Truro who lived in the western portion of the county. Within a very short time, the mission of Epiphany became a full member church of the diocese.
What does this have to do with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
This simply provides background on my perspective, interpretation and opinion of the gifts.
In looking into articles about the Holy Spirit I came across an article in Britannica which resonated with me and brought back memories of our time, as a family, at Truro, in the early 80s. Paul’s position in this article confirms our feelings about speaking in tongues which occurred during the latter portion of our time at Truro, and we were happy to leave for Epiphany.


Help PREPARE for the Hypothermia Shelter
Hosted 12/8 – 12/15 at Epiphany!
Contact: churchoffice@epiphanyec.org
Click HERE to sign up for Hypothermia Shelter Engagement
Click HERE to sign up to make various kinds of donations for our hosting of the Hypothermia Shelter
- 12/1 – First Sunday in Advent
- 12/8 – Second Sunday in Advent
- 12/15 – Third Sunday in Advent, Christmas Pageant, during the 10am service
- 12/22 – Fourth Sunday in Advent Blue Christmas service, 7pm
- 12/24 – Christmas Eve 4pm (youth-focused) 9pm Traditional Christmas Eve service with a Musical Prelude at 8:40 pm
- 12/25 – Christmas Day, 10am, Said Service