January 22, 2025

Join for the meeting and stay after for a fantastic egg casserole brunch!
Slate of vestry nominees
With deep gratitude we will be saying thank you and discharging from duty two members of our vestry who have served faithfully and well in the last three years. And we will be voting in and warmly welcoming four new vestry members, two for full terms, and two others for partial terms. The vestry will also appoint a new officer, a clerk/register.
Get to know the new vestry members and officer ahead of the meeting!

Jeff Hoyt – Class of 2028
Jeff has been on a 30 year journey as a Christian. The major steps on his journey have gone from curiosity to the intellectual to embracing the beauty of liturgy. The Lutheran church fed his curiosity, the Methodist church encouraged his intellectual journey in Christianity, and for the past 18 months, the Episcopal church broke him out of his spiritual rut by showing him the beauty of liturgy. Jeff best finds Christ in service and is grateful to have a role in the Hypothermia Shelter mission area at Epiphany and hopes to find the same satisfaction as a member of the Vestry.30-year

Bob Otten – Class of 2028
I’m what they call a Cradle Episcopalian. While my father was deployed in the Pacific, my mother went home to Ohio to the farm where she was born on to have me. We did make it to the hospital despite my grandfather having to go back to the house to get his teeth. I was baptized in the Episcopal Church in New Hampshire where my paternal grandparents lived. My first recollection of attending church was in Coronado California at the 100+ year old Christ Episcopal Church and then at St. James Mt. Vernon. There I served as an acolyte, reader, and was a member of the youth group. Laura and I ended up at Epiphany by way of an invitation taped on our mailbox. The church was meeting in a school then. We decided to attend regularly. We were blown away by the people there. We truly saw that the spirit was alive. And I see that spirit now here on Hidden Meadow. I am currently on the Alter Guild, on the Buildings and Grounds Ministry, and volunteer at the Food Pantry. Scouts have been a big part of my life as well as skiing, racing Penguins (not the bird, the sailboat), travel, and being part of a certified Therapy Dog team with my dog, Angie.

Joe Wright – Class of 2027
Joe is honored to have been nominated to serve Epiphany as a member of the Vestry. A baptized Catholic, Joe embarked on his own faith journey after graduating from college. Joe found his home in the Episcopal church more than ten years ago and was confirmed as an Episcopalian at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in Seattle Washington. There, he served in many ministries and volunteer positions before being elected to the Vestry in 2016. Joe and his family moved to Northern Virginia a little over two years ago and are blessed to have found a new Episcopal home at Epiphany. Outside of Sundays, Joe makes his living as an attorney and serves his country as an officer in the United States Army Reserves. When not working, he finds joy taking in a football game with his beautiful wife and daughters.

Denise Bellows Kumar, PhD – Class of 2026
A lifelong Episcopalian, I am excited to join the Vestry at Epiphany Episcopal Church. I found Epiphany in 2022 after my daughter was born and I was looking for a church that had more programs for children and youth. I was drawn to the fellowship activities, the Godly Play curriculum, and the warm welcome my family received from parishioners. After a few interactions with Rev. Dina and CYFM Minister Dana, I quickly decided to serve the Children, Youth and Families Ministry. Growing up, my family was active in the Episcopal Church teaching Sunday School, contributing to the music programs, and participating in service and fellowship; I served as an acolyte and led our youth group. My family – husband Akshay, son Rohan (9) and daughter Grace (2) – love the service opportunities at Epiphany, especially Fast Pack and the Hypothermia Shelter. I look forward to building relationships with others at Epiphany Episcopal through this Vesty service.

Melissa Woodhead – Register/Clerk (Officer)
I feel very blessed to have found a church home at Epiphany for my family (husband Sam and children Ethan and Esme) over 10 years ago. At Epiphany I currently serve as a Sunday School teacher with the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry team. I regularly serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister and Reader on the Worship team. I also enjoy finding ways to musically contribute to our worship services, often through playing the harp. I have served on the vestry previously, including a term as Senior Warden. I consider it a great privilege to be a part of Epiphany’s journey as we share the good news of God’s grace and love.