“…he set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Luke 9:51b

Dear Friends:

What is your direction? Where are we supposed to be going? Experts have lots to say about direction. One professional shared his story. As a devoted spouse and parent he rightfully found himself on a course of achievement: “work hard, save money, buy a house, and live happily every after.” Oddly enough this corporate executive, after twenty years in the race to the top, found himself just not feeling right. The direction didn’t seem as certain any longer. Anxiety increased. His good job was no longer as good as he had led himself to believe. Too many life complications arose. We all have these days when we wake up and wonder if we’re still turning in the right direction.

As graduations surround us at this time of the year, visions of new beginnings, fresh starts, close examinations emerge. We may ask, “what is my direction?” We’re not all likely to have the certainty of Jesus as we learn in Sunday’s gospel from Luke 9:51-62. He sets his face toward Jerusalem in what he knows will be his ultimate glory. A glory not without agony and death before eventual freedom and abundant love as God raises him from the dead into resurrected life. A life where Jesus intentionally and purposefully calls others to follow him that they too will know their direction and purpose. With Jesus, and like his disciples, may we too be turning in a more purposeful direction.

When seeking direction, again, experts tell us to give prayerful consideration to our options. But, don’t overthink the direction we’re called to follow. Are we passionate about the direction we’ve chosen? Or, are we choosing the lesser of alternatives because we’re afraid to trust in what God truly has in store for us? Make a choice. Do it. See what happens. If we know in our hearts God in Christ is with us, we’re in the right direction. Does the pathway bring joy? Joy to you and to those along the path who are impacted by the direction you’ve chosen. Does our direction matter? What strengths are we applying toward our direction? How are you using your gifts to make a difference in the world? Because, when we’re outside of ourselves, we’re better. Finally, with whom are you surrounding yourself? Who are those who are supporting you in taking an intentional, life-giving direction? All these steps to a Spirit filled direction are what Jesus teaches his disciples, and us, as he invites us to follow him.

We’re invited to learn our direction from Jesus. This Sunday’s gospel reading teaches us Jesus’ intention to take seriously God’s direction for us. At the same time, we’re called to prayerfully examine our direction. Sign up for “Finding Your Fit” a two-hour teaching with Gwynn Crichton that enables us to explore our God given gifts. Tomorrow evening, Thursday June 27 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Saturday June 30 from 10:00-Noon or Sunday July 14 from noon-2:00 p.m. just following worship. Pick a workshop. Take the gifts assessment. Discern your gifts. Help to discern the gifts of another. Give thanks to God in Christ for calling us to follow in the direction of a life saving, transforming God.

See you along the way dear friends.

