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Pausing to Consider Dreams

by Epiphany Communications

July 24, 2024 A Pause for a Little Reflection Last week we began a series on the Nicene Creed. And we jumped ahead. Instead of starting at the beginning, we jumped into the middle. This week, we pause. A little moment offered as we pick up again next week from the actual beginning of a […]

Legislative History – Council of Nicaea

by Epiphany Communications

Legislative History – Council of Nicaeaby DIck Fichter, parishioner with support from Rev. Dina Legislative History- Council of Nicaea Continuing from last time, we are looking at the legislative history of the Nicene Creed to better understand its meaning with respect to the Holy Spirit. We decided to look at reports on the issues resolved by […]

A Hump Day Message – Camels Then and Now

by Epiphany Communications

July 3, 2024 THANK YOU! And – Camels Then and Now Thank you for providing me with a nice vacation period which enabled me to visit my cousins in Arizona and California. I had a great time with them, and I am only sorry that I was not able to enjoy the big Fourth of July […]

A Hump Day Message – June Vacation for HDMs

by Epiphany Communications

The HDM deliveries are going on vacation in June! 🙂 The Hump Day Messages are taking a vacation in June and will return in July with some fun examinations and observations about the Church. What is that Nicece Creed all about anyway? Until we return: A summer break blessing! For Equilibrium, a Blessing by John […]

A Hump Day Message – Pentecost, a poem

by Epiphany Communications

May 23, 2024 Another poem for Pentecost and the season after. PENTECOST by Derek Walcott Better a jungle in the headthan rootless concrete.Better to stand bewilderedby the fireflies’ crooked street; winter lamps do not showwhere the sidewalk is lost,nor can these tongues of snowspeak for the Holy Ghost; the self-increasing silence of words dropped from a […]

Another poem for Eastertide!

by Epiphany Communications

May 8, 2024 Another poem for Eastertide! Into One Spiritan Eastertide poem, on baptismSarah Agnew it runs, it frolics, it drives a pathinto the earthslowly deeperquickening keeper of the rootsfurrowed alongsidefrom the profligate scatteringof seeds some time agoit runsa way both followingand beckoning, respondingand callingit runsaloneyours aloneand yet it joinsa river running far beneath all riversearth […]

An Eastertide poem

by Epiphany Communications

April 24, 2024 Easter is a season of 50 days, not one. It is a season. A season longer than Lent. Longer than Advent. Longer than Christmastide. Longer than Epiphany (most of the time). Every one of these fifty days, for which we are now at the midpoint, is an invitation to focus attention on resurrection. […]

The World We Live In

by Epiphany Communications

an Eastertide poemMary Oliver I have refused to livelocked in the orderly house of     reasons and proofs.The world I live in and believe inis wider than that. And anyway,     what’s wrong with Maybe?You wouldn’t believe what once ortwice I have seen. I’ll just     tell you this:only if there are angels in your head will you     ever, possibly, see one. […]

Easter, Eggs, Bunnies, & Rolls

by Epiphany Communications

by Dick Fichter, Parishionerwith support from Rev. Dina, RectorApril 3, 2024 Happy Easter, Did You Enjoy Decorating Easter Eggs or an Easter Egg Hunt? Easter is the feast of Christ’s resurrection (Episcopal Glossary). According to Bede, the word derives from the Anglo-Saxon spring goddess Eostre. Christians in England applied the word to the principal festival […]