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A Hump Day Message: Kindness Endures

by Epiphany Communications

KINDNESS ENDURES Dick Fichter, parishioner This is a reflection on Rev. Dina’s Hump Day Message of October 4, 2023, “The Work of Love” and the portion which quoted the writer Kahlil Gibran’s statement that, “Work is love made visible”. I grew up in Carle Place, a one square mile hamlet on Long Island, New York, […]

A Hump Day Message: Love Never Ends

by Epiphany Communications

2024 Annual Giving Campaign Begins! 10/13: FIREPIT FRIDAY7pm this Friday! Bring a camp chair & enjoy s’mores and conversationon a cool autumn evening 10/15: STEWARDSHIP SEASON KICK-OFF SUNDAYand10/22: WALK IN LOVE SUNDAYbring items for the Food Pantry (dry beans, white rice, canned meats, pasta sauce, cereal, canned fruit, ramen, tomato (stewed and diced), dry pasta) & we’ll walk them together […]

A Hump Day Message: The Work of Love

by Epiphany Communications

God loves you. No Exceptions. Dear Friends, What we say at Epiphany is God Loves You. No Exceptions. Perhaps that inspires us to seek to understand and to be intentional about how we express Love in the world – with each other and with the community around us, friends and strangers alike. Maybe what we say […]

A Hump Day Message: Epiphany Preschool Spotlight

by Epiphany Communications

Meet the Epiphany Preschool! by Sue Ferguson, Epiphany Preschool Director Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to God from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen.(Ephesians 3:20-21, BCP, 102) The picture above is a cookie cutter used […]

A Hump Day Message: Tripped up on the Lord’s Prayer

by Epiphany Communications

Tripped by the Lord’s Prayer A reflection by Dick Fichter, parishioner As a youth in Confirmation class, I was instructed to memorize the Lord’s Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) as follows: After committing it to memory, and tested, I was awarded a gold star. A big reward in the day! Fun “Back in […]

A Hump Day Message: Stepping onto Sacred Ground

by Epiphany Communications

Standing on Sacred Ground There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of a bush; he looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed. Then Moses said, “I must turn aside and look at this great sight and see why the bush is not burned […]

A Hump Day Message: You CAN Sing!! Honest!

by Epiphany Communications

You CAN Sing!– Cathy Lard, Music Minister The most beautiful instrument in any service is the sound of the congregation singing. – Jonathan Leeman There is something thrilling about being in the midst of a group of people raising their voices together in song. Episcopalians especially are known for singing during their services. About one-third of […]