The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

Dear Friends,

Let’s help those in Wilmington suffering from the devastation of Hurricane Florence. Today, with the help of some leads from all of you, I called several Episcopal Churches in the Wilmington area. Either phone lines were still down, or the church offices are closed for an indefinite period of time, or folks just are too busy to answer. Finally, St. James, Wilmington answered. Thankfully, I was able to speak with their rector, Ron Abrams. Ron has served with St. James, Wilmington for nearly twenty years. It’s safe to say he knows exactly what’s going on, having survived several life-threatening high velocity storms in Wilmington. There is an urgent need for immediate assistance in Wilmington.

On Sunday we will invite everyone to empty their pockets with generous giving as we designate the loose plate offering to help those in Wilmington. You might be asking, what’s a loose plate offering? A loose plate offering is that money placed in the offertory plate that is distinguished from any form of your pledge offering or other monies designated for a specific purpose. Loose plate offerings can be prioritized and designated up to six times a year for a specific need. This is one of those times.

Wilmington continues to be cut off from the world as the waters rise. Folks are in need of food, water, housing, tree removal, car repair, clean clothes for work, medical attention, animal rescue, toiletries, cosmetics, gasoline, electricity and whatever else is necessary to restore a household to some kind of normalcy. Again, the need is urgent.

St. James, Wilmington is a large downtown church within walking distance of shops, work places, and public institutions. People regularly find themselves in the vicinity of St. James for one reason or another. Extremely grateful for any support, the following are ways we can help which they recommend:

  • Send money to Rev. Ron Abrams discretionary fund – St. James Episcopal Church, 25 South 3rd Street, Wilmington, N.C. 28401. Through his discretionary fund he’s able to help the folks knocking on his door get back on their feet, and back to work immediately without delay.
  • Help Pub, founded by three downtown Wilmington churches combined their resources in 2015 to provide emergency assistance and connect folks to community resources. Currently Help Pub is overwhelmed with requests. Should funds be sent to Help Pub via St. James, Wilmington, please indicate they are for Help Pub hurricane victims.
  • Episcopal Relief and Development, based in NYC, typically is the agency who serves as first responders for the Episcopal Church. Sometimes, however, in emergency situations, because they don’t necessarily have boots on the ground, ERD can be slower to respond than the local resources. The need is now.

Let your vestry know where you feel the loose plate offering designated for Wilmington should go. When it’s sent we’ll let you know. Thank you for your transforming generosity.

Finally, when asked if we could bring a team of folks to help restore and rebuild Wilmington, without hesitation Rev. Abrams responded, “yes, of course. We need you.” As well he said St. James will house us in their building. He suggested we work with Habitat for Humanity as they are excellent at equipping unskilled folks with skilled folks to get the job done. There is so much work to be done in Wilmington. Let’s be a part of it. Let me and/or your Outreach Ministry team know if you’d like to go help rebuild Wilmington.

We have a great God who calls us to do extraordinary things. Then God equips us and gives us exactly what we need to get the job done. Prayerfully listen for God’s call. Remember the loose plate offering on Sunday. And, we’ll put the buckets out for the children to drop their coins as well. Your thoughtful and prayerful offering will make more of a difference than you know. Let’s help Wilmington help themselves. Thank you good folks.

