“…who will go out before them and return before them, someone who will lead them out...” Numbers 27:17

Dear Friends,

The Bishop is coming! The Bishop is coming! The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff, Suffragan Bishop of The Diocese of Virginia will be with us January 13th for the biennial bishop’s visit. Mark your calendars and save the date: January 13th.

Typically, when the bishop visits, she will Confirm, Receive and Reaffirm those into the Episcopal Church. Bishop Goff will also preside at Baptisms on January 13. Should you wish to learn more about participating in the faith through these sacraments on January 13th, let me know and we’ll get you prepared: clergy@epiphanyEC.org

Why does this matter? Because it matters to Jesus. It matters in building God’s world.

Jesus, throughout his ministry of forming leaders, first called people to come follow him. Finally, as Jesus was ascending to live with God in heaven, he commissioned his folks to go about his work, spreading the good news of God’s saving love. Jesus, having studied the Hebrew scriptures, reflecting upon Moses who at God’s instruction, lays hands on Joshua transferring his authority in the name of God knows well the importance of sending folks along to do God’s work. Throughout Biblical history leaders lay hands on as a sign of God’s continuing good work. Accordingly, the bishop will lay hands on those folks who wish to make a mature commitment to the faith through Confirmation.

Confirmation is our mature response to our Baptismal vows which often have been made for us on our behalf. When we Confirm our Baptism, we are agreeing to practice living the faith, persevere in resisting evil, share the good news of God in Christ by word and example, seek and serve Christ in all people, and strive for justice and peace. Our Confirmation of these beliefs and practices finds support while in community. We have church as a sign of living Baptized and Confirmed lives. As Christ’s own, we are better together as a faithful community than we are apart.

Reception is that action by which we come from one faith community into another. We have already made a mature commitment to our baptism in the act of Confirmation in one denomination. Now God is calling us to serve as faithful followers in another denomination for whatever reason. Most importantly is that we find ourselves connecting with a faith community to do the work of God in Christ.

Reaffirmation is the public promise we make stating that we mean what we say in our covenant promises and we’re asking our faith community to witness our re-commitment.

Baptism, as you know, is the admittance into the body of Christ through the washing away of our old life in the blessed waters of baptism. At the same time in our baptism, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. That Holy Spirit washes upon us spiritual gifts we’re called to use to build God’s kingdom. Serving with a Christ centered, prayerful faith community helps us discern what our gifts may be, including teaching, serving, listening, encouragement, comforting and so on.

We can be grateful for the acts of Baptism, Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation to affirm our journey as followers of God in Christ. Making God’s world known is no easy task. As active, faithful Christians, prayerfully consider how God is calling you to be Confirmed, Received, Reaffirmed or Baptized. Let me know and we’ll make plans to prepare you for Bishop Goff’s visit on January 13.

Don’t forget we’re all on board for the Spaghetti Dinner fund raiser Friday night!

See you then and on Sunday!

Many blessings,

Hillary West