“…from you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel…”Matthew 2:6

Dear Friends:

A most blessed New Year to you all in this 2019. What are we to expect in our lives as Epiphany, in our country, and in the world for 2019?

Perhaps we can expect the glorious revelation of God’s love, grace and mercy as the wise men experienced upon their journey to visit the Christ child. The magi do what they know best. As astrologers, they follow the star. The star is a sign of hope; a sign of what’s to come. They come with an awareness that a freedom, a compassion, a new leader awaits. The magi come to honor the new king in a climate of trouble. Threatened King Herod is troubled by the news of Christ’s birth. In fact, all of Jerusalem is troubled by Christ’s birth. What is to come with this new ruler who shepherds with love; who defends the lost; who raises up the lowly; who brings joyful discovery to the searching and the wandering? This new ruler is our radical hope. A babe born in all humble simplicity to birth in us the brightness of belief with a world shrouded in love, grace and mercy. The wise men search and come face to face with an Epiphany: the revelation of God’s love, grace and mercy, not just for some, but for all.

Imagining three kings journeying unprotected with precious, extravagant gifts in a land of hostility governed by a cruel leader may not seem so likely. But, today, we can all imagine more so the likelihood of a caravan of folks seeking refuge through the brightness of a land that awaits them with hope and promise for a better life. More likely, this is the plight of the wise men. They travel with servants, families, villagers, supplies and provisions for what is probably a lengthy journey. Their stargazing search leads them to a truth. A truth from God alone, in Jesus Christ in every land and in every place where God in Christ reigns. Seekers for the truth are not left at the border. Children are not pulled from their families. The lowly and the less than find a home, in Christ and there is hope. The awareness of such joy takes the wise men and us to our knees as we bow down and pay our new king homage. Our awe and delight in God as the Christ child is our Epiphany.

Sunday is our namesake Sunday. We are named Epiphany for the wonder and celebration God continues to delight in us as children of God known through Jesus Christ. We give thanks for our epiphanies in so many ways. These last days of Christmas in 2018, over one hundred people generously served as faithful watchers and doers of Christ’s word through your help with the Hypothermia Shelter. Neighbors and friends joined with Epiphany as the love of Christ in you restored the brightness of Christ’s love to the faces of our guests. Because of you, some thirty-three folks each night found a welcome embrace, a hot meal and the warm hospitality that shines upon all as God’s grace is revealed. A special thank you to those who truly settled in throughout the week to assure consistent hospitality including Susan and Bill Forbes, co-leaders of our Hypothermia Shelter; Susan Buckner, Sally Campbell, Ruth and Tim Skjerseth, Patrick Walsh, and the Facets community. Thank you to each of you; those who ventured out for the first time to share their gifts and the number of you who served repeatedly with entertainment, driving, visiting, food preparation, and overnights. Thank you for serving and awakening us to the call of responding to God’s tender love and care. We live brightly as Epiphany.

What can we expect as Epiphany in our country and in our world for 2019? We can expect our prayers to be answered. That God’s love reigns for each and every one of us. That fear mongering will be overshadowed by hopeful stars of brightness. That our searching reveals epiphanies of resilience. That we will bow down to our one true God in Christ who comes humbly to show us the way. May we in our New Year, pay him homage and honor him with gifts of faithfulness.

Tomorrow, we’ll welcome in the New Year with the Bounce House ministry from 10:00 – 2:00 for families with young kids. See you Sunday for 8:30 a.m. worship and 10:00 a.m. Family Worship as we celebrate the Feast of Epiphany. Sunday, following worship, come to Episcopal 101 refresher 11:30-12:30 with David Browning. Catch up on what you’d like to learn about The Episcopal Church. If you’d like to be Confirmed, Reaffirmed, or Received in the Episcopal Church or Baptized into the body of Christ with the Bishop’s visit on January 13, this class will help you. Also on Sunday following worship the youth will be rehearsing their Youth Guided Worship scheduled for January 27th in the worship space. On Sunday evening, come to the candle lit sacred sounds of 5:30 Celtic Worship and welcome in the New Year.

2019 is revealing a glorious presence of Christ among us.

Blessed Epiphany,
