“…‘Everyone serves the good wine first, and the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now…Jesus did this…and revealed his glory‘” John 2:10-11

Dear Friends:

Just a short while ago, as we celebrated in worship the visit of the three wisemen coming to meet baby Jesus with gifts symbolizing substance, blessed holiness and eternal devotion, we asked ourselves the question, “what will my gift to Jesus be?” You responded eloquently with prayerful thoughtfulness. Writing your gift on a piece of paper, the gift commitments were collected, presented and blessed. We promised to share your gifts with one another during this season of Epiphany; a season where we’re just surprised and overwhelmed with the joy of God born among us as the tiny Christ child. Here are some of your gifts presented to Jesus…

I will be quiet and kind when I’m afraid or angry; to seek and serve Christ in all persons.

Patience with those who need extra love. Hope for those who are sad.

To love God more than I already do.”

As we continue to display your offerings, may you find joy in carrying out your gifts of time, talent and treasure during this season following Epiphany, in the name of Christ. 

On Sunday we enter into the second Sunday following Epiphany. Again, we’re gifted with amazement as Jesus, in John’s gospel, turns water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. Several themes emerge in the story. One theme in particular is, discovering what matters.It seems the servants at the wedding know exactly what matters. The servants are the witnesses of Jesus’ first miracle from the gospel of John. Not the bride and groom; not the disciples; not the chief steward; the servants; those who matter the least; those who are not so apt to notice, are, in fact, the first to experience the glory of God in Jesus Christ. Growing deeper with God in Christ is what truly matters.

On Sunday, we’ll talk some more about what matters as we celebrate our past year’s life in ministry as Epiphany with our annual meeting. Incorporated in worship is our short annual review of our year’s venture through ministry, the budget and the introduction of the 2019 budget approved by the vestry in December. Six nominees will be presented to serve as vestry members and elected by acclamation: Elizabeth Gilmore, Krissy Goff, Jonathan Isner, Anne Johnson, Heather Modzelewski and Dave Parkerton. Buildings and Grounds has some good news to share about our progress in maintaining and caring for our 40,000 square feet as we continue to be the church on the corner to the neighborhood and beyond. Children, Youth and Family Ministry is still growing and will have some good news about the budding youth group! All are invited to attend this forty-five minute presentation. Children second grade and younger are welcome to enjoy childcare provided especially for the meeting. Kids in third grade and up are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn a bit about the business of the church. Finally, following the meeting, we’ll feast on tasty soup, warm bread and treats.

If you’d like to help with Fellowship for the Annual Meeting on Sunday, the Fellowship ministry would be so grateful: fellowship@EpiphanyEC.org

The wedding of Cana carries out with the glow of the sign of God’s glory in the first of Jesus’ miracles revealed to all as what truly matters. We too as Epiphany are what matters to God. Come Sunday and give thanks for the miracle of God continuing to be poured out upon our most holy, loving and alive community!

Many blessings beloved Epiphany,
