For he and all who were with him were amazed at the catch of fish that they had taken;” Luke 5:9

Dear Friends:

As many of you know, Freddie, my husband, is an avid fisherman. His entire life he’s had a line in the water with the hopes that he’ll snag the big one. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes Freddie would come home with a citation winning blue fish or the record scoring rock fish of the season. We’d celebrate and give thanks. But, the truth is, most of the time, we were excited for Freddie to catch dinner. One warm summer day in Cape May, New Jersey, Freddie rented a little flat bottomed aluminum jon boat good for maneuvering into the back waters off the Delaware Bay and we went crabbing. As the day went along we’d creep up into the shallow waters, dropping our net with the hopes of catching an abundance. We’d drag the net along the bottom of the sea and nothing. We caught nothing, all day. We were hot and tired. The day was a bust and now it was time to come back in. Just as we were slowly returning to the dock, we thought, shoot, why not. We dropped the net alongside the boat one more time. Maybe the tide had shifted. Maybe we hit a nest. Maybe, maybe Christ just was ready to show us his abundance.

This time, as we started to pull up the net, something was different. We could hardly lift the net. When we did, much to our amazement, the net was full! Crabs hit the hull like driving rain. Before we knew it the tiny boat was full to the brim. So full, we were standing on the bench seats to keep from getting snapped! As quickly as we could, without capsizing, we motored back to the dock as crabs leaped and sprung from one side of the boat to the other. Finally docking, we scooped up the crabs. To all standing in amazement, we gave away dozens of crabs. The rest of the bounty, we tossed into the back of our Volkswagen and hurried home to get the crab pot boiling. That night, we enjoyed the abundant feast of a lifetime.

What is it like to have an abundance? Why does Jesus give his disciples an abundance? When we have more than we can possibly need. When our nets are so full, we can’t want for another thing. When our life’s work has reached its pinnacle. Jesus calls us to more challenges. He assures us, “do not be afraid…”. Forget it, the great catch of fish is enough. Never mind. Jesus’ disciples are so far past the abundance. They know that an abundance from Jesus is what empowers us to do more; go further. An abundance from Jesus gives us strength to do what we never thought possible. An abundance from Jesus takes us from being ordinary folks fishing around with scarcity in ability to becoming Jesus’ most heroic, most courageous followers. 

My friends, we behold an abundance from Christ Jesus. And, an abundance from Jesus takes us where we may least expect it. In receiving the call from Jesus, we put down what we know; we let go of what we know to be a sure thing, and we go, we follow. An abundance from Christ calls us to venture forth.

This week, you received a notice from John Borowski, our Operations Manager. John has served faithfully with Epiphany for over six years. Through the rough waters of Epiphany’s re-entrance into 3301 Hidden Meadow Drive after its years in exile. Caring for a building that had suffered neglect for years and deferred maintenance throughout. Establishing sound, secure relationships with vendors and inspectors and bankers and tenants, John steered our way through the process of renewing Epiphany. We’re grateful for the gifts John has shared with Epiphany over these years. Now, as you’ve learned, he’s called to sail out into new waters, and put down his net for a new catch. We will miss John, his good spirit, his willingness to always go the extra mile, his deep care and compassion for all in his path.

On Sunday February 24th during 10:00 a.m. worship, we’ll say farewell to John. Come for worship as we give thanks for the ministry of John Borowski and send him off as a faithful follower of Christ.

This Sunday, worship with 8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite I and/or 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II. During 10:00 a.m. worship we’ll recognize and commission the Altar Guild, especially those new to this important quiet ministry so essential to the life of Epiphany. As well, Sunday is Scout Sunday. Our Troop 1257 will be with us to help lead worship. We’ll give thanks for the difference they make in the world and in the life of Epiphany in so many ways, especially behind the scenes lifting and carrying and hoisting things here and there. Finally, we’ll give thanks and offer resolutions to our seven outgoing vestry members, Don Brill, Ben Eckman, Ryan Hale, Doug Hansen, Keola Nosaka, Michelle Walters, Melissa Woodhead.

Again, in the life of Epiphany, where God loves us all, no exceptions, we celebrate the abundance of love, grace and mercy of Christ.

We are a blessed community, my friends,
