Be glad in the Lord always! Again, I say be glad!” Philippians 4:4

Dear Friends:

During the brief drive-by seven a.m. Wednesday Morning Prayer today we remembered the life and ministry of seventeenth century Bishop Thomas Ken. Ken is the writer of our very familiar doxology, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow”. Ken was a man of deep integrity. He loved the Lord with all his heart and soul and rested gladly in his piety. In fact, it’s not a secret that as chaplain, Ken rebuked kings and queens for their lax behavior and inappropriate choices calling them to repentance.

Repentance is our intentional turning away from sin and turning toward God. Repentance is also the realization that in turning away we recognize that God’s kingdom, God’s world for us is present among us and with us. As repentant souls we can be glad, always, the Lord is with us, here and now empowering us to act boldly for truth and justice. God in Christ reigns, not the evil we seem to dwell on all too often in our troubled world.

So, come tonight, glad and repentant souls, and join in the gathering with our sisters and brothers of the faith. Participate in the Interfaith Pot Luck Dinner and Dialogue. Come at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish. There’s babysitting too. The topic for dialogue tonight is “Power”. How is power understood in our various Abrahamic faith traditions with Jews, Muslims and Christians? How we understand our use of power. Table conversations begin just following dinner, about 6:40 p.m. with a short explanation from scholars from each tradition. Each table responds to a series of questions. Around 7:15 we share in the large group. We dismiss at 7:30 p.m. These conversations are the true definition of repentance: the recognizing of God’s saving, healing world among us, with us, with a God ready to receive us into a loving embrace of grace and mercy. Be glad!

Perhaps these conversations can embolden us to be those who walk with integrity insisting that the glory of God’s reign is recognized for all. Because hate and hurt will not win. Today the festival of Purim begins and runs until Thursday at sundown. We’re reminded again of God’s glory revealed in this Jewish celebration. The story of Ether in the Old Testament or the Megillah in the Torah. Esther, not unlike Thomas Ken, rescues her people from being annihilated by a ruthless villain. Esther risks her life to live a repentant life, a life turning to God. Her bravery saves her people for a celebration still held to this day. Our Lord is a Lord who calls us to be glad, always!

How are your Lent Intent disciplines coming along? Daily reflections on Epiphany’s Facebook are a good way to begin the day. Come tonight and be enlightened. Attend Wednesday morning drive by prayers and the day is so much better. Make Sunday morning worship an every week commitment. Attend Holy Week practices and worship Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Your Easter will burst with God’s resurrected glory! You will be glad, always!

We’ll see you tonight for some in depth conversation on the use of Power in our respective traditions. On Sunday, we’ll talk about Jesus’ call for us to turn, repent, and see the glory of God. Following worship, youth will be gathering for Sunday Circle. Parents and all adults are welcome to gather for Table Talks Bible Study in the back of the worship space from 11:30-12:30. Be glad, in the Lord always!

Many blessings,
