“…Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his message.” Luke 10:39

Dear Friends:

“Person A: How’s it going?
Person B: I’m insanely busy. You know, the usual.
Person A: Yeah, me too. I’m scheduling into 2015 already.
Person B: I get it. Haven’t taken a real vacation in over a year.
Person A: Well, gotta count our blessings for being busy, right?
Person B: Amen.” (Psychology Today)

We live in a culture where we wear busy as a badge of honor. Because, if we’re busy, then we matter. We’re important. Idleness is the devil’s workshop, according to one translation of Proverbs. Automobile magnet Henry Ford claims idleness warps the mind. We are measured by our busyness.

There’s busy and there’s busy. There’s the legitimate busy. Stuff has to get done. Because if it doesn’t, the bottom falls out. The dinner must be cooked. People must be fed. The dishes cleaned up. Then, there’s the unnecessary busy. The busy we do to feel important. The running around loading ourselves to achieve the level of perfection we’ve made impossible to conquer. Which busy are you?

Author Brene Brown claims we need to establish a recovery group for “busy-aholics” and if we did, the group would fill a football stadium! Because, if we numb ourselves with busyness, we won’t get caught. The truth will not shine forth. Crazy busy prevents us from being vulnerable enough to let God’s love embrace us.

On Sunday we have the opportunity to look at two remarkable sisters who couldn’t be more different. Mary who sits contemplatively at the feet of Jesus and Martha who is running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Martha has let her busyness become her enemy rather than her contribution. She’s irritated by Mary’s seeming idleness. Mary, on the other hand, has chosen the better part according to Jesus. She will not sacrifice her time with Jesus. Mary isn’t wrong or right. Martha isn’t wrong or right. We’re not judging lifestyle. Rather we’re naming what it means to live as a child of God. Busy or not, what is necessary is doing whatever we do in response to the saving grace of Christ in our lives. Come worship on Sunday as we take a dive into Luke 10:38-42.

Sunday will be a busy day! Vacation Bible School, having begun on Friday night will conclude with kids letting their light shine as they enter into worship at the passing of the peace. Following worship the Children, Youth and Family Ministry and Friendship Café will serve a delicious lunch of hot dogs and side dishes. As well, we’ll be selecting our favorite hymns to sing next week. Let the worship ministry help you peruse the hymnals and song books. Write your favorites on a 3×5 card. Place the cards in the baskets provided and we’ll arrange to sing the selections on the 28th in 10:00 a.m. worship.

Then, before we know it, we’re into August! During the four weeks of August in 10:00 a.m. worship we’ll teach a “Bread and Cup” series. Each week, the sermon will touch on significant parts of The Lord’s Supper as a learning opportunity. You’ll have a chance to ask questions like, “why does the priest hold her hands up in the air during the prayer over the bread and wine?” Or, “does the bread and wine actually become the body of Christ (transubstantiation)?” If so, “are we committing cannibalism?” Or, “what happens if we worship without The Lord’s Supper?” All are invited to participate in the “Bread and Cup” series. In an effort to help you engage we’ll be moving the Altar table down from the chancel (from the Latin, “lattice” indicating separation) onto the floor of the nave (as known in the body of a ship) with the chairs moved around to create a more intimate learning environment. Come, be a part of “Bread and Cup” and let us know your thoughts as to how God is calling you to share in The Lord’s Supper August 4, 11, 18, and 25.

Stay cool. Currently, we’re under a heat advisory with temperatures reaching a heat index as high as 109 degrees. This is not the time to prove how busy we are outside! Remember too, we are a shelter from the inclement weather. Should you need a place to rest from the heat, please, plan to stop over, sit and drink cool water. Slow down.

See you Friday night for Vacation Bible School and/or Sunday morning. Thanks for all you do to shine God’s great light!

Many blessings dear ones,
