“…this is the Lord’s Table. Christ is the host and we are the guests.

 Dear Friends: 

When sharing a meal with friends and family, how do you know you are a most beloved guest? Is the table covered in a beautifully laid tablecloth? Are candles waiting to be lit? How about their best china and ironed cloth napkins? Cups to hold the most cherished drink? Are placeholder cards with guest’s names on them placed throughout? Do flowers adorn the table? A beautifully prepared table is most certainly a sign of welcome and generous hospitality. Jesus invites us as his most welcome and wanted guests to share in his most holy meal. 

Each and every Sunday, we prepare a table for Jesus’ meal as the table is set for The Lord’s Supper. Why? Because Jesus beckons us to come to the table with him. Jesus loves to dine with friends and even sinners to celebrate the bringing of folks together in great thanksgiving for God’s redeeming love in our lives. As the summer begins to draw to a close, we continue with our mission to draw each of us into closer relationship with God in Christ in an effort to form us as more committed disciples. Earlier this summer, you remember many of you participated in “Finding Your Fit”; an opportunity for folks to learn more of how God calls us closer through discerning our God given gifts that we may use these gifts to make God’s world known.  In worship, during the month of August, we’ll be teaching the Bread and Cup Series. Being fed by Jesus’ Bread and Cup is the core of discipleship. As Jesus invites us into his life, through the Bread and Cup we invite Jesus into our lives.   

Week I PREPARE. On Sunday we begin Bread and Cup through the teaching of preparing the table. All will have close proximity to the activity of preparing the table for Holy Communion as now the altar table is on the floor surrounded by chairs. We’ll  take a look at the various elements of the table through a show and tell and then question and answer. At the same time, ushers will pass out 3×5 cards so that you may write down your questions. Each week we’ll advance through the various stages of Holy Communion drawing deeper and deeper into its meaning. Week II the teaching is entitled: THANKSGIVING. Week III: TRANSFORMATION. Week IV: GO. We hope Bread and Cup will enrich your worship and fill your heart as Jesus calls us to dine with him.

 Kids are welcome to bring their coins on Sunday to drop in the buckets to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. As well, the Worship Ministry team is hosting the fellowship feast following worship. Come! Enjoy! Then, return Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. for the sacred sounds of Celtic Worship. Anchored in the peace of Celtic Worship our weekend comes to a holy finish and our week begins full with the welcome of Christ. 

Many are traveling these days. You are in our prayers for safe travel. When you visit with other churches, pick up a worship bulletin and bring it along. We’re always happy to learn more from our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Also, remember to take a glimpse at the Summer Snippet which gives you a tiny tidbit to take with you on your travels throughout the week.

See you Sunday beloved.  May you hold in your heart Jesus’ invitation to be rich before God through his most holy supper.   

Many Blessings, 
