“…and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked.”Luke 12:48b

Dear Friends:

“Why do you give?” Last night, several faithful folks gathered around a table to talk about the ministry of parish life. The conversation evolved into responding to the question all with Epiphany are invited to answer, “why do you give?” Quickly, humble confessions were made: “Because it’s the right thing to do,” one responded as she told about her efforts to try and help a mom with her infant daughter who approached her in the parking lot of the grocery story asking for assistance. Another answered, “small acts of kindness don’t cost much.” Having been approached for assistance on the street, she lamented that she had no cash. Instead, she went into the Subway and bought her seeker a sandwich. Another responding to why we give, said, “because Jesus says so.” She then went on to say she always gives because, “to those to whom much is given, much is expected.” She continued, assuring everyone at the table, “I’m not rich, but I have enough to share.”

The conversation was rich. The more we raised the question, “why do I give?” the more passionate the conversation grew. Story after story poured out as to why people give. Another spoke with deep humility about how God calls us to be shining our light. “I’m not an important player,” she said. “I’m behind the scenes, trying to make a difference.” So, she shops and serves and cooks and cleans, over and over, never looking for acclaim. She’s just happy to give. Happy to be shining her light for the goodness of God in Christ.

This is the season of giving with Epiphany; launched last Sunday and will continue through October 20, sharing Sunday. Over these next several days, you will receive an envelope with a letter and a pledge card inviting you to give to the glory of God through the good work of Epiphany. Your pledge commitment is between you and God. We will ask not how much you are giving, only that you give through a pledge commitment. It is because of your generosity God’s kingdom as Epiphany grows and builds here and now. Because of your pledge commitment we’re able to craft a budget rich with hope. Ministry to the poor, the hungry and the needy widens as we continue with the Food4Thought food packing for Fairfax County School kids. Your dollars fund Epiphany’s Hypothermia Shelter throughout Christmas week as we house and feed anywhere between fifty to seventy-five guests a night. Your good efforts support our joint ministry with Community of Faith, UMC, across the street weekly, providing groceries for those in need. You pay for the bi-monthly one hundred Hot Meals prepared for the hungry. As our Sunday worship continues to build, your financial resources support the production of full text bulletins, clergy and staff, and a music ministry. Through God in Christ you are Shining Our Light as Epiphany and we’re grateful.

There’s more…because you pledge, we’re able to budget for the Christian Education of close to some eight-eight children and youth and their families in Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Sunday Circle, Youth Confirmation, Parent Support Group and Family events. Because you pledge Adult Learning comes in the form of Women’s Bible Study, Women’s Retreat, Episcopal 101, Interfaith Dialogue and the blessed visiting scholar, John Rybicki, our resident theologian. Your giving shines so brilliantly with God’s hope and dreams for Epiphany.

You may never have pledged. You may be a faithful pledge-er. Please, pledge. We’re striving for a 100% pledge commitment. When all of us pledge, we’re all in, all committed to God’s good work as Epiphany. A little goes a long way in Shining Our Light. We may not be rich, but all of us have enough to share in Shining Our Light for the good work of God’s world.

On Sunday, we’ll give thanks as we gather for worship with gifted guest preacher Genevieve Zetlan. Immediately following worship all those new or nearly new to the life of Epiphany are invited to attend an informal, brief Newcomer event to get to know others and learn a bit about Epiphany. At the same time Gwynn will host a Green Team Assembly for the Youth in the back of the worship space. Parent Support Group for families of newborns through elementary age children will gather from 5:00-7:00 p.m. for a Pot Luck meal and dialogue in the Gathering Area with babysitting provided. From 6:00-7:30 in room 120 John Rybicki will begin his three-part class, “What is Required” a look at Christian Discipleship. This first session John will address:

*What it means to follow Christ.
*Salvation as the gift to and the responsibility of the community.
*Our sins of omission as we simply drop the responsibility of living up to Christ’s call to us.
*The importance of living out our Baptismal promises (better done when in community)!

Thank you for believing in God’s blessing upon us as Epiphany. We are Shining Our Light! What a gift!

Finally, on this September 11, as we all remember, please continue to pray for the many who have suffered so over the years. We give thanks for God’s healing presence through all that is sorrowful and all that brings hope as we seek God’s strength of truth and courage.

See you Sunday good friends.

Many blessings,
