In him you also,…were marked with the seal of the promise Holy Spirit…” Ephesians 1:13

Dear Friends: 

What label do you wear?  A wedding ring to label you as married? Sports clothes to label you as an athlete? A uniform to label you as a member of the military, the police force, fire department, or other agency that protects and maintains the law? How do we wear those labels we put on ourselves that no one sees? Labels we put upon ourselves in our pride, and our insecurity. The Bible is ridden with labels. 

In Sunday’s gospel from Luke 20 Jesus encounters Sadducees. Sadducees wear labels marking them as the elite in the Jewish Law. These seemingly superior Sadducees are hoping to trap Jesus in the Judaic Law. So they tell a story of a woman. She wears all kinds of labels. She’s unnamed, implying she’s insignificant. She’s a widow, which means there is no patriarchal authority overseeing her coming and going. She’s many times married and she’s childless. Immediately, what do these labels do? They mark her as “less than”, marginalized, without purpose or place. These are tough labels to wear. But, Jesus reminds us all, that in the resurrection, we are made free of labels. Now, because of Jesus, we all wear the one true label: child of God.

On Sunday, we’ll reflect on those labels we wear and how Jesus restores us as children of God, most notably during those times when we label ourselves as unworthy, scarred. And, as children of God, we’ll celebrate and witness the baptism of tiny Hudson Gregory, child of Betsy and Derrek Gregory as he is labeled a child of God through the waters of baptism and sealed and marked as Christ’s own forever. 

As well on Sunday, we’ll remember our beloved veterans. They wear the well deserved and hard earned label of hero. So, we’ll say our prayers and give thanks for the heroes of the armed services who have served with honor defending peace in our country and throughout the world. Thank you all who have served and who serve! 

Following worship we’ll pack 200 meals for Fairfax County school kids through Food4Thought. Kids in Sunday School will help get the plastic buckets ready with the food supplies. A special thank you to the Russo household for purchasing and delivering the food! Keep watch. The Russo’s, having inherited the label of Food4Thought coordinators, are assuming the role from Food4Thought originator, Dave Parkerton and his family.  A special thank you to the Parkertons for birthing and carrying out this ministry. You’ll be hearing more from the Russo’s about how you can help with Food4Thought. 

On Saturday, please steal away an hour or two for Parish Work Day held from 8:00-Noon. Should the weather lend itself, folks can work on the grounds outside. As well, there is always a chore or two inside to keep us looking sharp! Come. Bring your kids. Enjoy the time. Thank you for helping to keep our property beaming bright! 

Once again, we’re on the move as Epiphany. Did you know Epiphany means, “revealed”. Specifically, Epiphany means Christ is revealed. Well done Epiphany! That’s a good label to wear: Christ revealed in you! 

Many blessings,
