As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” (Ephesians 4:16 NLT, second edition)

Dear Friends: 

Sometimes there is just too much noise; too much sadness; too much confusion; too much responsibility. Sometimes we just need to get away from it all. Jesus felt that way. Throughout his ministry Jesus made it a habit to withdraw and even change direction. As his ministry begins, Jesus, led by the Spirit into the wilderness following his baptism, he now emerges. He’s near home, Nazareth, when he hears the news that John the Baptist is arrested. Again, he withdraws; this time up toward the Sea of Galilee. Perhaps to plot a solution to rescue John from his imprisonment. Or, perhaps Jesus needs time to pray over the sadness of John’s plight. Whatever the reason, Jesus withdraws. 

To withdraw is not necessarily a negative connotation. Rather, to withdraw in the Biblical Greek implies that we are making room, creating an opening for what can be. We withdraw to ponder and pray. We withdraw to discover and unfold and then to make space for how God is calling us to be. Jesus, in his withdrawing is creating room to grow into the fullness of the ministry God intends for him. Energized from his withdrawal, Jesus teaches us as he proclaims, “change, repent, here comes the kingdom of heaven.” More revealing in Jesus’ change of direction is how he understands himself. Jesus discovers that he cannot be about the business of making God’s world known without helpers. So, forming a community Jesus calls followers. Because, Jesus knows better than anyone, we are so much better together than we are apart. 

Better together is who we are as Epiphany as well. Better together is exactly how faithful followers of Christ do ministry. Ministry is the work of serving others in the ways that they have needs. All of us have needs. All of us are called to serve others. But, to do ministry as a group, connected for service, is so much more effective: to pool the gifts God has given us to truly make a collective difference in caring for God’s world. Because, truthfully, we’re so much better together than we are alone when doing ministry. 

Please note, save the date: February 23rd, with the Pancake Pals cooking up some tasty pancakes, we’re going to learn how we can be better together. We’ll gather just at the close of a shortened worship to first elect the newest vestry class. (Please note this change from January 26th). Vestry leaders are such a good witness of ministry in their work together. Following the vestry election, we’ll move to the back of the worship space for Better Together: education and engagement. The many ministries will be on display with ministry liaisons at each table to tell the good news of that particular ministry. Listen and learn and discover how you’re called to use your gifts in that ministry. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t feel overwhelmed. Remember instead, God gives us just the gifts we need. Learn about the ministry. Then, offer what you have. Because, what you have to bring to the ministry is what someone else needs to help fulfill their gift to the ministry. We’re better together than we are apart. 

Mark your calendars for Better Together February 23rd. Want to help set up for Better Together on Sunday February 16, pulling tables in place and setting up signs and information? Let Keola Nosaka ( know you’re available. Many hands make light work! Thank you!

This Sunday we’ll worship at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. Youth, seventh grade and older, will meet for Sunday Circle following worship. Kids will have fun with babysitters following worship. Then, we’ll hold the Annual Meeting and all are invited. We’ll meet and eat grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches as the report of 2019 expenses and revenues will be presented as well as the good news of the 2020 budget. We’ll hear some exciting things about the growth of Children, Youth and Family Ministries. Outreach has a few words to say about their expanding ministry and Buildings and Grounds will point out the numerous capital improvements throughout the property. Come, learn and grow in your awareness of God in Christ working in the life of Epiphany. 

We’ll see you Sunday! Come on…bring a friend, a neighbor because, remember, we’re better together!

