There is a time for every season, a time for every matter under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:3

Dear Friends:

God is good and always working through each and every season of life. After much prayerful consideration, I am announcing my retirement from my role as rector of Epiphany effective Sunday May 31, 2020 following Sunday morning worship.

My six and a half years with you as Epiphany have been a season of great celebration, challenge, growth and grace. Together we have responded to God’s call to provide for God’s world through worship, fellowship, formation, and serving and caring for others. Through you God has taught me perseverance, fortitude, and deep faithfulness in our God who always shows up revealing to us the wonder of Christ’s surprising mystery of the possible in the impossible. I’m so grateful for the gift of having served as your priest in charge and rector these past years. Now, by the grace of God, Freddie and I will be relocating to Charlottesville to enjoy mountain views, long walks along the many trails, and sacred visits with our family. As well, now is the time for the next season God has in store for Epiphany.

First, along with the help of The Diocese of Virginia, Epiphany will move through a time of transition. The Rev. Sarah Brockenbrough, Transition Minister for The Diocese, is ready to support you. Sarah has already reached out to your wardens and Treasurer to take the next steps. In May Sarah will meet with staff and with leadership and vestry at the next vestry meeting. Then, following my departure and throughout the interim period, Sarah will be by your side to assist you as you embrace the good work of building a profile and searching for the next rector. Remember, you are not alone and you are so much better together than you are apart.

Serving with all of you as Epiphany has been a gift beyond anything imagined. I love you deeply for all you have shown me as God has blessed us as Epiphany in our journey. While this type of transition is not unusual in the life of the church, such a transition is complicated by the unexpected pandemic that shrouds our brightness these days. So, we are working out the details as to how to remain safe and still say “farewell” over these next weeks. In the meantime, please pray faithfully for yourselves as Epiphany as God leads you well through this exciting time of so much opportunity. You remain in my prayers as you move through this time of discovery and trust in a God who loves so abundantly, and most especially in the goodness of all of you as Epiphany. As well, please pray for Freddie and me as we too make a transition new to us both known as “retirement”.

Finally, please, feel free to reach out to me with any questions, or thoughts you may have over these next weeks. I’m happy to respond and/or refer you to those who can. At the same time, if you’re more comfortable talking with your vestry, they too are happy to respond. We’re here and for now, we’re not going anywhere.

On Sunday, we’ll worship again from the chapel at 10:00 a.m. Log onto click on the worship bulletin and join in the live stream online worship. Thank you for your generous giving serving as a sign of God working actively in the life of Epiphany

As well, currently the music ministry is excited to be rehearsing virtually that liturgy may be enriched with the return of the choir! Worship in the Easter season continues with a look at the Acts of the Apostles and in their life made new in the risen Christ who calls for change. Change is in our midst, good friends. With change we can give thanks for Jesus Christ who walks along with us through every journey, in every season of life. 

Again, I love you for the privilege of serving God with you as Epiphany. “See” you Sunday in worship. Alleluia! The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!!! 

