This Jesus God raised up, and of that all of us are witnesses.” Acts 2:32

Dear Friends: 

It’s Easter, my friends. Alleluia! The Lord is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia. Yes, but, truthfully, how is it Easter? We’re not gathered. We’re especially not gathered, in person, on Sunday mornings. I miss sharing with you in the knocking into one another with hugs and warm greetings as we worship the Lord. Because, we’re just better together than we are apart. So, while Jesus is risen, it seems we’re left behind in the tomb self-sheltering and keeping safe. I imagine this is exactly how the disciples felt once they learned the news that Jesus was risen from the dead. Jesus is alive! With Jesus risen from the dead, now what? The disciples, caught up in fear, are behind closed doors. That doesn’t stop Jesus, though. He bursts into our lives, especially when we’re locked up in worry and fear. As he gifts us with the Holy Spirit, right away we learn from Jesus, that we are called to go with the instruction, “feed my sheep”. If it were only that easy. 

Over these next several weeks which the church calls the Easter season, we’ll be looking at how Jesus asks us to “feed my sheep” through the Book of Acts. Intended to serve as a continuation of the gospel of Luke. Acts is the story of a brand-new community of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, called to share with the world the life, death and saving resurrection of Jesus Christ. Acts is the story of the building of the church. A beautiful witness of Acts is how the church then rejoices and disappoints, just as it does today. 

Today church is looking a lot different than we even knew two months ago. With the COVID19 still on our heals, we continue to abide by and honor Governor Northam’s directives #53 and #55. Keep distances of six feet, gather in groups of ten or fewer, and wash our hands. As well, we’re advised to wear masks if we must go out. Finally, aside from essential travels, we’re urged to stay home. The Rt. Rev. Susan Goff, Bishop Suffragan with Ecclesiastical Authority over The Diocese of Virginia, is encouraging us to honor Governor Northam’s directives. And, to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Christ, as the church, Bishop Goff has asked that we no longer livestream worship from our worship space. We will, however, still be the church.

Church will be looking a little different over these next weeks. We’ll be recording live worship from the chapel earlier in the week for all to participate on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Log onto and click on the worship bulletin and live stream online worship. Cathy and Jiji and the Music Ministry are working very hard to create virtual choir and music. Nadia and Sean are forever scheming with ways to make our online presence even more inclusive. More and more, we’ll be inviting you to participate in worship by reading the lessons and the prayers. Now is a good time to join the choir as choir will fill our worship from the comfort of your home. We’re learning also how important it is for us all to be a community. So, with the help of the wonder of technology, we’re hoping to invite folks to “see” one another in worship while online. Yes, just like the very first church in the book of Acts, much is new and different. What remains the same is Christ in each of us uniting us one to another to be the church. 

Now, more than ever, we need to be the church. As a community of believers, be alert for how God is performing signs and wonder through the church (Acts 2:43). Please, still plan to help with the Food Pantry on Mondays packing bags of food and Tuesday passing out the bags to drive by guests. Food4Thought will ramp up again as soon as the public school district gives us the heads up to gather food for school children. Hot Meals in May will require the presence of a faithful few to socially distance in the kitchen cooking, cleaning and delivery meals to our friends on the streets of Fairfax. Safe distance on the property weeding the front beds that are crying for attention. Families, tune in for Sunday School lessons from Dana. Parent Support group will be zooming this Sunday evening as well. Youth, Sunday Circle resumes every Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Log on for Monday night Compline at 8:30 p.m. and plan to sign up to lead Compline one week. Email, or call, or text and let us know how you’re doing and how we’re doing. We miss you! 

Epiphany will prevail because of a glorious God risen in Jesus Christ; and with each and every one of us uniting to remember to give generously of your financial gifts online:

Thank you church, for being you: faithful followers of Jesus Christ, Easter folks, called to make his world known! Please, should you have thoughts, questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me at: or 703-466-5200 ext. 102. The church is not closed. But, we will be staggering our time in the building. So,call, text or email with whatever you may need or wish to share. We’ll “see” you Sunday, if not before. 

Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen! The Lord is Risen indeed! Alleluia! 
