What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. – Matthew 10:27

Dear Friends,

You may not know, but our Vestry meetings are usually pretty lively. A dedicated and devoted group of people come together with the Spirit of the Lord among us to do business for the Lord. We start each meeting with a Bible study of a passage from one of our current readings. This past Monday, our Senior Warden inadvertently posted a previous lesson as our study for this month – we’ll just call it a review, rather than a study. Interestingly, the discussion turned into one that is covered in the lesson found this week in the Gospel of Matthew – how do we as Episcopalians evangelize for the Lord?

Jesus calls on his disciples to put everything they know and love aside – their family, their identity, and their allegiance – and recognizes that although his disciples will be peacemakers, they will be met with violence. He calls on them to put aside their fear and “take up the cross” (10:38-39). Admittedly, I am much more comfortable proclaiming from the rooftops to people that I know will accept the message positively. Why is that? Am I afraid, and if so, of what? Is fear keeping me from spreading the word of the Kingdom of God to those that haven’t heard the good news yet? Probably. And yet, as a child of God, this is what I am called to do, as well. In loving my neighbors, I want the best for them, and I want them to know and feel God’s love for them, like I do. Moving forward, I hope to address this fear and, as I often say, “get over myself.” I encourage you to join me in this journey, as I know it will be one of self-discovery and joy. In the coming months, look for opportunities to overcome your fears as we live our life as Epiphany because together, we are stronger.

Last night, during the Town Hall, I encouraged everyone to stay engaged while we are physically distant. Weekly worship is streamed online where you can join in chatting real-time, and we have many other opportunities to bring us together. The Stronger Together gatherings via Zoom on Tuesdays (for parents) and Thursdays (for adults) are a great way to just relax and check in with everyone – stop by and say “Hi.” Parish Workdays and the ongoing Outreach programs offer opportunities to increase activity while being socially distanced. Learn about the workings of Epiphany by attending a vestry meeting via Zoom – all are welcome and we’d love to see you there!

Tonight, join us on Zoom for the Stewardship Meeting at 7 PM. Bring your ideas and your questions as we work together to come up with a plan for our annual Stewardship Campaign: 
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87027276168?pwd=WWpVTGdUZDFsSUpSc1ppdG5ObGVKUT09
Meeting ID: 870 2727 6168
Password: 921411
Dial by your location (to use your phone for audio): 1-301-715-8592

Join us online on Sunday at 10 AM for our worship service on YouTube as Rev. Elizabeth Keeler once again guides us as we celebrate the Third Sunday after Pentecost. If you weren’t able to attend the Town Hall, a recording of the meeting will be posted soon so you can learn where Epiphany is in the process of both re-gathering and transitioning. 

With God among us, let’s face our fears together and together we will overcome them!

Peace to all, 

Susan Buckner
Senior Warden