“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” – Matthew 5:9

Dear Friends,

This has been a very sad week. While adjusting to the end of pastoral care from our beloved rector, Rev. Hillary, our country reached the tragic milestone of losing over 103,000 lives to COVID-19 as part of the over 370,000 victims worldwide. We have watched peaceful protests in response to the death of George Floyd in Minnesota turn violent throughout our country. In addition, our historic churches have been damaged and one used as a political prop. It seems almost too much to bear. Our hearts are indeed heavy.

It is during times like these when we need each other more than ever. And yet, we are physically isolated from each other, trying to live a new normal life under uncertain circumstances. In Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s statement  issued on Monday, we are reminded that “God is love.” As Christians, children of God, we know we must overcome the fear and hate that seems to surround us, and we do this through LOVE.

Epiphany loves our neighbors as we support the Food Pantry, Hot Meals, and Food4Thought programs, to ensure those that are hungry have a meal. Epiphany loves those who have no place to sleep during the cold winter by offering them a warm bed and a hot meal during the week of the Hypothermia Shelter. Epiphany loves by being the Church on the Corner that opens its doors to people of all faiths and backgrounds. Epiphany loves because God loves, no exceptions.

Continue to join us online for worship this Sunday morning, Trinity Sunday, at 10 AM as we stream our services on YouTube. Then, drive to the church this Sunday evening at 7:30 PM to show that God is love. Stay in your cars for a ‘drive-in’ prayer in remembrance of those lost to COVID-19 and needless violence. Be a part of the voice that will be heard through the ringing of the church bell for all to hear. Together, with God among us, we are love.

On Wednesday, June 10th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, join us online via Zoom in the continued discussion about race at our book club. We are examining the book White Fragility: Why white people find it so hard to talk about racism, by Robin DiAngelo. Contact Ruth Skjerseth at phylruth@gmail.com for more information and log-in details.

Finally, as we mend our hearts, we begin to turn our thoughts to the transition that is before us. Mark your calendars for Wednesday, June 17th at 7 PM as we come together, via an online Zoom meeting, for updates on our life together as Epiphany. We will discuss both the process to find a permanent rector and the steps ahead as we begin to regather together in our building. Submit your questions in advance to srwarden@epiphanyec.org.

Peace to all, 

Susan Buckner
Senior Warden