…”speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Ephesians 5:19-20

Dear Friends,

Last Sunday, as we gathered our family on the couch to watch the service, my daughter asked me, “why do we have to watch church anyway… Ms. Hillary isn’t there anymore.” In her mind, the loss of Rev. Hillary West is just another of the unfair, and unwanted steps away from what’s “normal” disrupting her daily life – an excuse to give up our routine in favor of some other activity.  

As we watch our children spend their summer days lamenting the loss of summer camp fun with friends, attempting to stay cool without the normal pool access, and facing the school year to come with all of its unknowns, I am reminded of what it feels like to accept the uncertainties of faith. I asked myself, “why is it important to make this Sunday morning ritual a part of our normal family routine?” This can be an especially difficult question, when the time is spent trying to hear and interact with the online service while surrounded by whining, fidgeting, and outright rebellion.

The short answer is that “it is just what we do.” This often elicits groans and eye rolls. And, to be honest it does not really capture much beyond the idea of establishing a routine, in a world that is increasingly uncertain. But, the deeper meaning, for me, is that it’s a chance to gather as a family, to spend time together, to sing together, as I remember doing with my family growing up. I remember my own periods of sulky rebellion, pouting in the pew next to my grandparents. But, the idea of “not going” was not entertained in my family. It was “just what we do.” And, once there, I would absorb the service, in spite of myself, imprinting the hymns and the prayers in my memory.

It is interesting to be on the other side of the equation, to be the one expecting participation, instead of the one resisting it. As an adult, I look forward to Sunday mornings, valuing the connection to my family, especially those no longer with us. I remember my grandfather’s voice saying the Lord’s prayer, my grandmother’s voice singing a favorite hymn, my mother turning to me during the peace with tears in her eyes because I had “gotten so grown up,” my aunt and uncle leaning over the pew for a hug after the service, and all the many smiles and interactions with my larger church family that helped to shape my faith. Those memories are fused with the service in my heart. When I am at church, they are there with me. That sense of belonging gives me the courage to have faith that “normal” is really more about that feeling than about who’s delivering the service.

We miss seeing our Epiphany family on a weekly basis, hearing about your lives and your celebrations, and sharing a morning together. While that routine has been disrupted, and we are looking forward to its return in our lives, I work to keep imprinting that sense of belonging to the Episcopal faith in my children’s hearts (in spite of themselves), so that one day, they will look back and remember their time with us, and with all of you, and feel at home in whatever “normal” or lack thereof they encounter as they make they way in the world, with a prayer, or a song, or a sense of belonging, because it’s “just what we do.”

Blessings to all,

Heather Modzelewski
Vestry Member
Outreach Ministry


* Come online to our Stronger Together Reconnection Chat tomorrow night (Thursday, July 30) anytime between 8:30 – 9:30 PM. ALL are welcome!

* Join us online Sunday at 10 AM for our Family Worship on YouTube. As we did last Sunday, we will be coming to you live from the worship space with only the priest, principal musician, and a small Communication team. We welcome Rev. Rosemari Sullivan as she leads us through worship and shares a children’s message. Parents, if you would like your children to participate at home, have a loaf of bread or roll handy while you watch.

* Join us online Sunday evening at 5:30 PM for our Celtic Worship on YouTubeParishioner Art Buck will lead us through this peaceful evening of prayer. Listen to the meditative music of the harp, the beautiful voices of our virtual choir, and the reflection from a dedicated member of our youth group.

* As always, Epiphany’s vestry and staff are here to support you in any way we can. Please contact Susan Buckner, Senior Warden at: srwarden@epiphanyec.org