“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” -Matthew 18:20

Dear Friends,

Often while attending meetings where we discuss the important work Epiphany is doing to spread the good news of God’s kingdom, the question comes up – Where do we see Jesus in our daily lives? Answers will include things like: in the faces of the children, in the kindness of strangers, and in our feelings of thanksgiving. And we do see Him there, and in so many other places because Jesus is with us, everywhere we go.

In a recent meeting, I was prompted with the question: How can God allow so many bad things to happen? I didn’t have an answer to that question, but being the novice theologian that I am, my mind immediately went to where I find my peace – in music, and I thought of a song that I listen to often and remembered these words:

You don’t answer all my questions
But You hear me when I speak
You don’t keep my heart from breakin’
But when it does, You weep with me 
-excerpt from “I Know” by Big Daddy Weave

I know that during my dark days, God is with me, but I wanted to see what the experts had to say in response to this question. After a quick search, I came across “Reflections on God and 9/11” by Michael Pipkin, an Episcopal priest who was a Navy Chaplain that found himself in the middle of one of the most horrific events on U.S. soil in recent memory.

In the recollection of his experience, Rev. Pipkin summarizes his two core beliefs: 

God is love. God is good. He goes on to explain that because God loves us and is in a relationship with us, as His creation, He allows us to make choices. Sometimes, we don’t choose well, and sadly, bad things result from it. But that doesn’t mean God doesn’t still love us and that He isn’t still by our side. He is with us, going through it all with us. I don’t know about you but knowing that gives me incredible strength.

God is with us. He ­is with us, I know that. And as we move through these trying times, I feel His presence even more when I am with my Epiphany family. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20).

So, these days, where do I see Jesus in my daily life? I see Him in the smiling faces in Zoom, behind the masks on Hot Meals distribution days, and in the parking lot during drive-in prayers. I see Him in Staff meetings and in our Vestry and ministry meetings as we plan our days and weeks. God is with us because God loves us. No exceptions.

Peace be with you all,

Susan Buckner
Senior Warden