Looking around at those seated around him in a circle, he said, “Look, here are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does God’s will is my brother, sister, and mother.” – Mark 3:34-35

Dear Friends,

How wonderful it was this past Sunday when we were able to gather together to celebrate the feast day of Trinity Sunday and receive physical communion for the first time in over a year! For those that were present, it was most certainly a feeling of homecoming. 

Truly, Epiphany’s family is alive and well! Coming together at the Lord’s table seems even more meaningful and sacred, as it was kept from us for so long. It is so good to see faces of friends we have missed and to hear the sounds of children in the sanctuary. We have missed you!

In the coming weeks, we will see more changes as we enter our new normal. Please be patient as we navigate forward, trying to keep everyone safe. Epiphany’s Parish Regathering Action Committee (the PRAC) will be bringing input from the ministries to develop guidelines for building use so that we can reduce the restrictions we’ve been living under and get back to being the Epiphany that we know and love. Also know, for those who are not able to join us in person, we will continue to live stream services because you too are part of our Epiphany family!

For the next couple of weeks, while not required, we will still request your reservation if you plan on attending service in person so that we can more accurately gauge and be prepared for those in attendance. Let us know you will be attending worship in person by signing up here. And, if you forget? No worries, please come anyway!

This Sunday is our Family Worship Sunday and we welcome the return of Rev. Rosemari Sullivan. We are also excited to have The Band on the Corner, Epiphany’s Praise Band, return live in the worship space! The building will rock with praise to the Lord! God is Good!

We can see we are coming closer to the end of this pandemic journey and I feel blessed to have traveled it along with you, for with our faith in God, all things are possible!

Peace to all,
Susan Buckner
Senior Warden