He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?”-Mark 4:39-40

Dear Friends,

This week Jesus stills the storm.

Jesus leads his disciples as they travel by boat and encounter a ferocious storm. To the disciples, he does not seem too concerned about the storm that is causing water to rush the sides into the boat, as he is comfortably sleeping on a pillow in the back of the boat. Highly concerned for their safety, the disciples wake Jesus. Jesus’ immediate reaction was not to say comforting words to calm his alarmed companions. His immediate reaction was to take action. “Peace! Be still!” And with that, the winds are deathly calm. What a relief the disciples must have felt, feeling that stillness, that peace! But then, just as many experience when waking someone from a nap, there are consequences. Jesus immediately puts the disciples on the spot and asks, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?”

The metaphoric storm we have experienced over the past year feels just as ferocious as what Jesus and the disciples encountered in this story. If only Jesus was here many months ago to say “Peace! Be still!” But wasn’t He? 

Peace be still
You are here so it is well
-Hope Darst – Peace Be Still

How many of us were forced to slow down our lives over the last year? As we slowed down, we could hear Jesus calming the wind. And in doing so, we started spending more quality time with those most important to us and re-evaluating how we are spending our lives. Dinner at home became dinner and game night or dinner and a movie on the couch. Virtual get-togethers became regular occurrences with people we had previously gotten together with only for special occasions and events. Forced with isolation, we joined online, virtual groups as a way to reach new friends to discuss topics of similar interest. Even online dating has turned into virtual dating, as meeting a new person can now be done safely from your home with a click of a button. And just as Jesus sprung into action, the leaders of Epiphany have been working hard, laying the groundwork for the future of Epiphany as the Church on the Corner.

With the latest guidance from the Diocese of Virginia, Epiphany has already lifted some of the restrictions imposed for our worship services. We are now celebrating Eucharist with physical communion in our sanctuary that is open to all – no matter the number, no matter if a reservation is made. We have our choir singing in the building and we can enjoy fellowship outside with snacks.

The team of folks that worked together last year on the re-gathering plan to ensure that there were protocols and procedures in place to keep us all safe met again just last night. Their recommendations for lifting even more restrictions in the coming weeks and months will be reviewed by the Vestry this coming Monday. Join us then to be part of the conversation!

The vestry has been working hard to secure an interim rector and is currently in contract negotiations with a candidate interim rector. The Discernment Committee has also been working hard, holding focus groups and finalizing the parish profile that will be posted for potential permanent rector candidates to review. Stay tuned, as I am very hopeful to have some exciting news on these fronts in the coming days and weeks!

Please continue to have patience as we move forward with lessening the restrictions during worship. We still ask that for the next week or two, while not required, please make your reservation if you plan on attending service in person so that we can more accurately gauge and be prepared for those in attendance. Let us know you will be attending worship in person by signing up here. And, if you forget? No worries, please come anyway!

Peace to all,

Susan Buckner
Senior Warden