Yesterday Dana Hale and I were sharing our mutual love of the religious historian Kate Bowler. Her writings at the juxtaposition of faith and crisis and her podcast that ranges far beyond that topic are breathtakingly beautiful. It’s a great gift when a person of faith is willing to be vulnerable, to speak of her struggle, and invites conversation partners to explore the tough questions. 

This week, Kate was talking with the author Malcolm Gladwell about our potential as human beings for change. Is it possible for us to change?

It was interesting that this was the topic of this week’s podcast, which I listened to this morning as I was driving into work. I had a conversation about this very subject with my daughter last night, and she is firmly in the camp of “heck yes!” She noted how her father has evolved in his thinking and how I am very different from the person I was when I was raising her. I (wisely, I think) didn’t bring up the topic of how she has evolved over the years, but we talked about the many ways that this was our truth: people can change. And not in the “live your best life now” or “lose twenty pounds in twenty days by taking this pill” way, but the deep change of the heart and soul.

What pushes us into change? I do believe we’d rather stay put in our comfort zone but sometimes circumstances cause us to modify our behaviors, our beliefs, our plans. Or perhaps God nudges us. Sometimes it’s a gentle nudge. Sometimes it feels like a body slam. 

Where are the places where that has occurred in your life? How have you felt God’s presence inviting you into change? Who carried the message to you? Often it’s a word from someone you know that surprises you, and that’s God’s voice speaking through that person.

Sometimes we change when we have no other choice but to change. Sometimes we change when we come to the realization that our manner of being is more harmful than helpful to ourselves or others. But the beautiful thing about being a human being is that we are capable of change, with God’s help.

Be sensitive to the nudges that come to you from God. Reflect upon them. See what that says about yourself and how you interact with the world around. Be still. Imagine what change would look like. Be in prayer for God’s guidance. And be open to the endless possibilities that God may have in mind. Be surprised….

Be blessed and be a blessing,
