“Look! I am doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” (CEB) – Isaiah 43:19

Dear Friends in Christ,

When I picture a desert or wilderness, both spaces feel vast and disorienting. There is often not an obvious path; it’s easy to get lost. In this passage from Isaiah, the author wrote about the Israelites’ captivity in Babylon, a low point in their history as a people. He reminded his readers of God’s faithfulness in deliverance in the past, then urged them to look to the future with hope. During their captivity, it may have seemed that there was no way out… that this was the end of their story. But God reminds them that God is doing a new thing and making a way for them at a time when it may have felt like all hope was lost. 

When the pandemic hit, the Children, Youth, and Family Ministry team tried to quickly shift gears. Our goal was to provide continuity and familiar faces in a time where so many things were uncertain. We were able to purchase a Zoom line to continue sharing Sunday School and Sunday Circle with the kids and youth. In place of VBS, we picked a theme and stretched it over six weeks of the summer in 2020 and 2021. This gave us the opportunity to dig into the theme in more depth than we could have in our typical weekend VBS format. Kits were made available for families to follow along at home with videos, crafts, and service opportunities. 

A large portion of our budget went towards monthly Family Boxes. When we were not able to worship in the building and have kids come to us, we decided to send formation opportunities home. Families were able to sign up to have a box delivered to their porch. Each box had a theme to coordinate with the Church calendar or season of the year, and we assembled craft supplies, prayers, and family activities. Families created gratitude paper chains, chalked their doors for Epiphany, journeyed through Holy Week, and much more. We received touching feedback from families who were grateful to have a tangible way to stay connected to Epiphany and also connect with each other at home. While I missed seeing the kids in person and being around their precious energy, I am thrilled at the thought of families engaging in rituals and activities at home. 

Because we did not host our typical in-person events, we were able to reallocate some of our budget to decorate and furnish the youth room (130). This space is very large and was sparsely furnished with a few items found around the building. We were able to add more seating, colorful art on the walls, and create two separate lounge areas for our middle school and high school students. I hope this feels like an encouraging, comfortable space for years to come. 

Our team is so grateful that we have been able to continue connecting with families throughout the pandemic. Our budget, from your generous giving, has allowed us to find new and different ways to share our faith and equip families, allowing our creativity to flourish. God makes a path in the wilderness. May we have eyes to recognize it. 

Blessings to you All,

Dana Hale 

Children, Youth, and Family Minister
