Beloved Epiphany friends–

I expect that if you’re like me, you probably say “thanks” a hundred times a day. Thanks to the barista who brews that hot chai latte. Thanks to the person who holds the door for you – yes, that really does still happen! Thanks to a co-worker who brings you something you need. Thanks to your spouse who says “I’ll wrangle the kids while you take that Zoom call.” Thanks, too, to the nurse in the infusion center or the person who offers a kind word on a dark day. 

We have so much to be thankful for. So many times when we should say it, aloud or unspoken. Sometimes it seems like we’re doing it on autopilot or as a social convention, but sometimes there is intense feeling there. 

I speak of thanks for two reasons: first, a heartfelt thanks to those who have shown their commitment to Epiphany by filling out a pledge card. Our invitation to pledge is evergreen: if you haven’t done so yet, you can submit either an online pledge or a paper one even if the formal campaign is over. I’d also remind you that if you set up autopayment of your donation in a prior year, it is still important for you to fill out that card even if there is no change in the amount, for our budgeting purposes. We’ve had a number of new pledgers this year, a particular blessing, because no matter what the amount, it is this sign of commitment to our parish family that is our greatest joy.

The second reason is a heads-up about something very important relating to thanks: Thanksgiving! It’s coming up soon, and one of the great traditions of Epiphany is providing hot Thanksgiving meals to those in our community who would otherwise go without. Even if you’re not one of the cooking or baking or driving team that makes this happen, there’s another thing that you can do to show your thanks to God and your thanks that you are able to help your neighbors.

When we package up those Thanksgiving meals, we will once again enclose a little card offering a word of love to the recipient of the meal. Our Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries, Dana Hale, will have material out on tables in the gathering space after our Family Worship this coming Sunday so that you can write one of these enclosure cards. This is an activity for all ages! Your card could simply be a word of encouragement or it could be a little drawing; there will be lots of materials you can choose from to personalize your message. We’ll also have bags so if you want to take some cards home to write or to decorate there, you can do so and bring them back next Sunday or on the 21st

Why? Because God is good, we have so much to be thankful for, and if we can spread our thanks to God to those whom we serve, we’re living into what Jesus taught us.

So thanks for you, thanks for Epiphany, thanks for God’s grace and providence, and thanks for the Thanksgiving ahead!

Be blessed and be a blessing,
