Dear Friends, 

The Hypothermia Shelter last week ended Sunday. What an experience!

So many people from so many places came together to support our guests in need of the protection of the hypothermia shelter. Thank you to our friends within Epiphany Episcopal Church, within the churches all around us, within the Scouts, and to the new folks who cleaned up each day, and to our favorite restaurant, Piero’s!

For each of the 7 days and 7 nights we served between 40-60 people. They needed shelter, food (dinner, snacks, breakfast, lunch), and company. We showed up in so many ways. We honored their dignity with presence, song, art, and conversation. And we found Christ there, waiting for us, welcoming us, and challenging us to a rich way of loving differently.

Someone told me that a guest commented that they know when people really care because they make the food and they sit with you.

Please hold in prayer our hypothermis guests, the facets folks, and the churches that have and will take the baton to host these beautiful people week-to-week.

In Peace & Merry Christmas, Dina+