A Hump Day Message Thank You!

We have had a wonderful program year and look forward to celebrating with you this coming Sunday with our parish picnic following worship. Thank you, teachers, ministry leaders, and staff for jumping in on a year that saw a lot of changes and celebrated a lot of “new!”

If you are interested or curious about ministries that could be calling your name, please ask anyone you see serving a ministry. Ministries are a great way to connect with each other and deepen spiritually.

Our Hump Day messages this summer will be filled with a mix of fun “Did you Know” questions and responses, tales from around Epiphany, and summer wonderings.

Dick Fichter and I are teaming up to bring them to you! Thank you, Dick! If you have any Episcopal Church questions, send them to me (clergy@epiphanyec.org).

Blessings to all who are wrapping up the year in school and are able to get away for vacations! You know you can tune into worship from vacation too. 🙂

In Peace,


Parish Picnic on Sunday after worship! Join us and bring a dish to share!

Worship every Sunday at 10am, in person and livestreamed