a reflection by Ruth Skjerseth, parishioner
What an astonishment to breathe on this breathing planet. What a blessing to be Earth loving Earth. – John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed

This quote seemed to fit as I read Ruth’s offering for this week’s Hump Day Message. The power of gratitude is a thing of wonder. Thank you Ruth.
-Rev. Dina
Many of you know that I was in an auto accident recently. If you’ve heard anything about it you might know more than I do. The short but important version:

Car was totaled. I was not.

Instead of knowledge I have no memory at all of what happened.

But I have received the gift of gratitude. It is clear to me that I could have died. Instead, I am here.
While I relearn how to walk, I am enjoying the company of friends and family. They fill my hospital room with love and laughter… and flowers, and candy, and (yes) books!

In the past I have forgotten to be grateful. I have felt alone or ignored. Life is busy, often frustrating. I may forget about God’s gifts. I want things to go my way when they don’t.

Now I have a renewed knowledge that I am loved. I feel protected.  I even have a feeling that there is something more that I need to do in this beautiful life.

So I’ll sign myself
    Grateful and Blessed,
Watermelon Wednesdays continue tonight, 6pm – 8pm. A grill will be hot and the watermelon will be cold. Bring just yourself and a chair. If you want, bring something to throw on the grill and something to share.

Embodied Night Prayer (ENP) Every Sunday Evening in July, 7pm. Bring comfortable clothes, a mat if you have it, and an open heart. Close the weekend and open the week by settlling into the heart of God. The focus for the ENP on July 23 is Fear & Courage.
Worship every Sunday at 10am is a service of Holy Eucharist and is in person and livestreamed.