by Rev. Dina Widlake & Dick Fichter

One of the most leadership-building ministries for youth in the church is serving as an acolyte. In that role, even the youngest among us learn “leadership presence,” “voice,” and “mentoring” all while having an inside track on how to lead on an inter-generational and diversely-skilled team. That is not just true at Epiphany, it is true for Episcopal churches across the country.

On October 7th, two of our Epiphany acolytes and Deacon Susie will attend the National Acolyte Festival at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC. They will get to participate in the Grandest of Processions followed by a celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Acolytes from around the region and country will be part of it all.
The glossary of the Diocese of Virginia defines an acolyte as a general term. It covers not only servers, torchbearers, and lighters of candles but also crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers. Acolytes are mentioned as a minor order (along with porters, lectors, and exorcists) as early as a letter of Pope Cornelius to Fabius of Antioch in 252. They were also mentioned in Cyprian’s writings.
During the Festival our acolytes will have opportunities to explore the Cathedral. The National Cathedral is a gothic cathedral which is characterized by vaulted ceilings and stained-glass windows. We do not have to Europe to see them!

What kites or streamers might they make? Something with our Epiphany colors? Maybe one with a dove?

I wonder what stained glass windows they will see, and how it will feel under those vaulted ceilings. Each window and carving at Washington National Cathedral tell two overlapping stories: our walk with God and our journey together as Americans. Whether marching together to build God’s kingdom or tripping over our own pride, we know that God walks alongside us and continually calls us forward.
Do you have to be an acolyte to go? No way! This is a great family outing. The Cathedral LEGO® exhibit will be open!
If you want more details, see Deacon Susie or check out the festival webpage: National Acolyte Festival – Washington National Cathedral.
Welcome to the new program year! Keep up to date on all the ways to
connect, grow, and be filled at Epiphany.
God Loves You. No Exceptions.