Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”  – Matthew 14:16 (NIV) 

Dear Friends, 

We all know we’re living in very challenging times right now. Due to the COVID-19 virus, our normal way of life has changed significantly. We have had to make some very difficult decisions as to what our individual levels of physical interaction will be and adjusted accordingly. For instance, as with many companies, my employer has sent most of our employees home to work, only allowing those deemed “essential” to go into the corporate buildings for short periods of time. Personally, I spend the majority of my working days at home with an occasional trip to the office. Days may go by before I see anyone in person, at a safe and masked distance, of course. But when I count my blessings and give thanks to God, I know that I’m one of the lucky ones. There are many in our community that have just been sent home – not to work, not to occasionally go into the office. Without income, and with government support that has ended, money is beyond tight and they are hungry.  

As we learned how Jesus and his disciples fed the multitudes in the Feeding of the 5,000 during Reverend Sullivan’s message last Sunday, I thought about how Epiphany follows Jesus’ example. Epiphany is blessed to have a dedicated group of folks that works diligently week after week and month after month to ensure that those who are hungry may have something to eat, and an even larger group of folks that are generous in their support of Epiphany to ensure that our outreach programs are financially functional. Epiphany is truly blessed to be able to follow Jesus’ teachings continually throughout these unprecedented times. 

During the pandemic, some of us have re-focused our efforts in helping others by staying safely at home, organizing the details of programs through emails, texts, and phone calls. Others, who are not in the higher risk categories, are able to physically participate to help get resources to those most in need. Because of the recent change in my work situation and my employer being more flexible with schedules, I find myself blessed with the ability to participate in the delivery of Hot Meals. If you’re not familiar with Hot Meals, this is a program through FACETS, an organization that helps those who suffer from the effects of poverty, that provides free, nutritious meals to those in need. 

Every other month, a small group of folks physically distance themselves in Epiphany’s kitchen to take various ingredients and turn them into 150-200 meals. Another small group takes those meals and distributes them to our neighbors in Fairfax. This program needs different levels of involvement to run successfully. While we have two Head Chefs in our rotation, ideally having one more chef would mean a commitment of just about 4 days per year. Hot Meals is also in a need of a coordinator that can organize and handle the behind-the-scenes details to ensure that volunteers know where to go and when. This can be done safely distanced at home. Can you help in one of these two very important areas so Epiphany can continue to feed the masses? Please contact

Epiphany also supports the Food Pantry, in coordination with Community of Faith UMC, our neighbors and friends across the street. We’re holding a food drive in conjunction with the Drive-in Prayer on Sunday, August 16th at 7 PM in Epiphany’s parking lot to help support and assist the Food Pantry with dire resources it needs to continue operation. I challenge you to count your blessings and donate a food item to represent each one. Some of the most essential items are: Cereal boxes (ex. Cheerios, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies), chunky soups (ex Progresso, Campbells, Amys, Traders Joes), red spaghetti sauce, pasta (ex. spaghetti, macaroni, penne), healthy snacks (ex. granola bars, nuts, graham crackers), boxes of tea bags & small cans of coffee. The most common & popular types/brands of these items are generally most appreciated by clients/guests. Epiphany is truly blessed, let’s show it by filling the pantry! 

Finally, let us give thanks to God by worshiping online together on Sunday morning at 10 AM on YouTube. Rev. Sullivan will again be leading us through worship LIVE from the worship space, with only our principal musician and small Communication Ministry team present. Let’s worship together virtually as we give God thanks for the many blessings we have and pray for everyone affected by our current environment. Then, following worship, our Outreach Ministry team will be meeting over Zoom on Sunday at 11:30 AM. Join in the meeting to learn all about our current outreach programs and discover how you can help. Let’s all do our part, as we are able, to continue being the people of Epiphany, the Church on the Corner where God Loves you. No Exceptions.

Blessings to you all, 

Susan Buckner 
Senior Warden