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A Hump Day Message: Canterbury Tale Series Part 1 of 4

by Epiphany Communications

A Contemporary Canterbury Talean Epiphany Episcopal Parish History Series by Dick Fichter, parishioner – format and editing by the Rev. Dina Widlake, rector Part 1 of 4 (1985-2004) Written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer at the end of the 14th century, The Canterbury Tales tells the story of a group of 31 pilgrims who […]

A Hump Day Message: Gratitude

by Epiphany Communications

GRATITUDEa reflection by Ruth Skjerseth, parishioner What an astonishment to breathe on this breathing planet. What a blessing to be Earth loving Earth. – John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed This quote seemed to fit as I read Ruth’s offering for this week’s Hump Day Message. The power of gratitude is a thing of wonder. Thank you Ruth.-Rev. Dina […]

How About That 70%?

by Epiphany Communications

WHY 70% OF EPISCOPALIANS WEREN’T BORN THAT WAY a chapter from The Episcopal Handbook, Revised Edition (pp. 82-83), — Church Publishing Incorporated. Kindle Edition Yes, we’re a church of refugees. It’s no secret that the clear majority of those in Episcopal Church pews on Sunday mornings came from other Christian churches or from no church […]

Our Country’s Start & Church’s Start are Shared

by Epiphany Communications

The Episcopal Church & Our Nation’s Beginning Saunter Along a Timeline Ever wondered about the origins of the Episcopal Church of the United States? Ever notice how the governance structure of the Episcopal Church has strong parallels with the governance of our country? Both were emerging together and the blessings and curses of that shared […]

Hump Day Message

by Epiphany Communications

In On the Ground Floor An Idiom well-suited for CYFM “In on the ground floor” is a common idiom. It means getting involved with something from the very start, from the beginning. It connotates a kind of “lucky break” or a great opportunity. Most often it is used for business opportunities in some form. And […]

A biblical saying or not?

by Epiphany Communications

God Helps those Who Help Themselves Is this a biblical saying or not?    In my youth I was advised on many occasions, “Dick, you know that God helps those who help themselves.” I always interpreted this to mean, “Dick, get to work.” I always followed this teaching, as after all, it was in the Bible. As a […]

Blessings for Our Summer Start

by Epiphany Communications

A Hump Day Message Thank You! We have had a wonderful program year and look forward to celebrating with you this coming Sunday with our parish picnic following worship. Thank you, teachers, ministry leaders, and staff for jumping in on a year that saw a lot of changes and celebrated a lot of “new!” If […]

An Eastertide Message

by Epiphany Communications

Being Sent & Given Strength Jesus said to [his disciples] again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”(JN 20:21-22)  What does it mean to “be sent” and be offered, not commanded […]