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by Epiphany Communications

Dear brothers and sisters of Epiphany- We are more fully into autumn now, and our body clocks are adjusting, a process more biologically ingrained that we may realize. Shorter days, even though the work continues at the same rate, or faster. Longer nights, even though we don’t take advantage of that fact to catch up […]


by Epiphany Communications

Dear brothers and sisters of Epiphany- A small but faithful group have been meeting for our online Adult Learning program on grief and loss, and processing those events with the Psalms. We’ve talked of the difficulties of going from a sense that the world is stable and we know where we are in it (Orientation) […]

The Camel

by Epiphany Communications

Dear brothers and sisters of Epiphany- Well, it’s REALLY Hump Day this week, as we prepare to hear Jesus’ words about it being harder for a rich person to get to heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It’s got to be one of the oddest metaphors […]

Ins and Outs of our Church Walls

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends in Christ, This year’s Annual Giving Campaign Theme is “Changing Lives in Changing Times.” This theme strikes both a personal note for me as well as for our entire Buildings and Grounds (B&G) ministry team. Despite the changing times, the B&G ministry team has successfully weathered the pandemic by working closely together while […]

New Ways of Sharing Faith & Equipping Families to Flourish

by Epiphany Communications

“Look! I am doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” (CEB) – Isaiah 43:19 Dear Friends in Christ, When I picture a desert or wilderness, both spaces feel vast and disorienting. There is often not an obvious path; it’s easy […]

The Lord’s Table

by Epiphany Communications

Dear Friends in Christ, When I was a little girl, I remember waiting for my mother as she did Altar Guild duty. I especially loved watching her clean up after worship because I got a close-up view of all those mysterious items that sat on the altar. As she cleaned, I asked her questions like, […]

Changing Lives in Changing Times

by Epiphany Communications

It’s September, and so many things are happening! It’s fun and overwhelming and a little scary and a little bit confusing, but that’s alright…even though we may feel a little tired with all the excitement. The children have gone back to school. The little ones will be starting preschool next week. Every day when I […]

Stormy Weather Edition

by Epiphany Communications

Some of us were awakened last night by the rains and thunder and lightning. When I came into the office this morning, it was evident that the storms had been fierce: there were puddles of water in the hallway inside Door #2. That wind pushed the water under the door jamb and into the hallway. […]

Wait, what was that nudge?

by Epiphany Communications

Yesterday Dana Hale and I were sharing our mutual love of the religious historian Kate Bowler. Her writings at the juxtaposition of faith and crisis and her podcast that ranges far beyond that topic are breathtakingly beautiful. It’s a great gift when a person of faith is willing to be vulnerable, to speak of her struggle, and invites conversation […]

Say that prayer

by Epiphany Communications

We lost power at my house last night. There was a significant thunderstorm with high gusts of wind, and at around 5:15 pm, the power went out. I knew something was up, because our little backstreet was suddenly filled with a steady stream of cars which were diverted from one of the more major thoroughfares […]