Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Dear Friends,

Recently, I came across the question: “what is the difference between generosity and giving?” Giving is to bestow, to offer, to grant. Generosity, as one author defines is “the virtue of giving good things to others freely and abundantly”. Generosity is the lavishing with sincere bountifulness. As the father bestows joyful greetings upon his long-lost son. As two fish and five loaves plentifully, miraculously feed 5,000. God’s generosity is the lavishing of love with abundance. Authors Smith and Davidson, in their research on generosity claim that generosity is a “moral orientation to life.”

In our generosity we flourish. It seems that generosity is not necessarily altruism because in our generous giving, we benefit. In fact, we grow in strength and well-being of self. Consequently, generosity as a moral orientation, increases as we practice. The more we practice giving away that which we have, the more we’re able to release the idea of grasping. Repeated intention to the attention of giving frees us and creates for ourselves a healthy well-being. We tend to see the glass half full rather than half empty. We look for ways to be generous, even with the little we may have. In other words, generous giving is not about having a lot to give away. Generous giving is about recognizing that God provides us with everything we need, always, and everything we need for every kind of good work.

Some studies of generous giving call us to attention. The average American gives anywhere from 3-5% of their gross income. On the other hand, those with the least give away the most. Households with an annual income of $20,000.00 or less give 4.6% of their income, the highest percentage given until incomes reach the multi-millions. God teaches us to tithe (Leviticus 27:30): give 10% of our income first and foremost, to God. For many of us we “strive to tithe”. I try to take the practice of generous giving one step at a time.

This season, Freddie and I are increasing our pledge by adding $25.00 to our already monthly commitment. It’s not a lot. But, for now, this is what we’re able to practice with a good sense of well-being and gratefulness to God’s generosity. Prayerful thought accompanied this decision. At the same time, Freddie and I needed to examine what we’ll do without to make the increase. The practice has become a process of planning what to keep and what to give away. Do I need to go out to lunch every day or can I bring my lunch? I love to cook. So, buying my groceries and preparing weekly meals is an enjoyable distraction. We now ask the question more and more in our household, “do I need to buy that?” I’ve gotten into the habit of shopping on line, putting items in a shopping cart and then exiting the site before actually checking out. The fun of shopping is not limited and the money is saved for a better use.

We’ve celebrated and enjoyed a wonderful Celebration Sunday this last week as Epiphany. Thank you to all who so generously shared of their time, talent and treasure to offer up an entertaining Ministry Fair with Buffet. What a gloriously enjoyable time for all to get to know one another and learn more about Epiphany. As we learned, there is much to celebrate in the life of Epiphany. We are strong believers in God’s call to grow, thrive and serve as the church on the corner and beyond. Your gifts of generous giving will help us respond to God’s call. Please, prayerfully consider what you will be giving this year and give thanks to God for God’s generosity now shared with you as a practice.

On November 4th we’ll share our confidential promises by submitting our completed pledge forms, placing them in the offertory during worship. Your practice of generous giving in response to God’s call, transforms the community of Epiphany. Thank you!

On Sunday we’ll spend some time looking at Jesus teaching his disciples the gift of servanthood. In Jesus’ words, we are made free in our humble giving, as the last become first and the first become last.

Thank you for your continued generosity! As always, serving with you as Epiphany is a glorious gift.

Many blessings,
