You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”2 Corinthians 9:11

Dear Friends,

We’re celebrating God’s great generosity on Sunday! First, we’ll give thanks to God through worship at 8:30 a.m. and then 10:00 a.m. Then, immediately following worship, we’ll pack food for Food4Thought: twelve minutes! Then, we’ll feast our way through a Ministry Buffet! Each ministry will have a table display of the many offerings of Epiphany. As you visit each ministry; learn how you can use your gifts and help yourself to a delicious treat that represents the ministry. For instance, the Newcomer Ministry is offering deviled eggs. Eggs are a sign of new life, new beginnings. Newcomer Ministry welcomes folks to a new beginning in Christ through Epiphany. The Children, Youth and Family Ministry will display a children friendly sandwich tray: white bread with the crusts cut off as a sign of how much CYFM strives to help kids feel the warmth of Epiphany as their worship home! Christian Support will be serving lasagna. We know lasagna fills us as comfort food. Lasagna is a good representation of the prayerful sustenance we receive from the Christian Support ministry. The Ministry Buffet is a good and delicious way to learn more about God’s generosity in the life of Epiphany.

Over these past weeks, you’ve been hearing stories from folks about how generosity has transformed their lives. How they’ve experienced generous giving from others and how their giving has been seen as transforming generosity, especially where they least expected it. In the gospel reading assigned for Sunday, a rich man, reflecting on his life goals, approaches Jesus; perhaps thinking his wealth will buy his way into eternity. Instead, Jesus commands that he sell all he has and give the proceeds to the poor. Little does the man know that letting go of what he clings to, and seeking the kingdom of God, will transform him into a generous giver. Give, Jesus teaches, and we will have treasure; the treasure of God’s love, grace and mercy, now and forever more.

By now, you’ve received a letter and a pledge card inviting you to participate in the annual giving of Epiphany entitled Transforming Generosity. In becoming a transforming generous giver, how do we begin? Reflect on our goals. What are your goals for a regular practice of prayer, Bible study and worship? What goals do you have for sharing your gifts of time and talent to build God’s kingdom through the life of Epiphany? What is your goal for sharing of your financial resources to make God’s world known? Give prayerful thought to your goals for a life with God in Christ. How will you use the resources God has given you? We’re reminded that all that we are and all that we have comes from God, one hundred percent. God only asks that we return simply one percent. One percent of our financial offerings, God asks, can change Epiphany.

As we move along through this season of Transforming Generosity, we’re excited for what God has in store. Epiphany continues to serve those in the neighborhood, helping with the Food Pantry, Hypothermia Shelter and Food for Thought. We believe God calls us to serve as a center for children, youth and families through leadership in worship, Sunday Circle, Parent Support Group, Godly Play Sunday School, and Epiphany’s preschool. We’re excited to give prayerful thought to building the Music Ministry to include choirs and guest musicians. Adult Formation can benefit from generous givers committed to transforming the surrounding neighborhood through dialogue with our interfaith partners. Because we are particularly fond of feasting with one another, increased financial support of fellowship hour following worship unites one to another in Christ forming lasting, authentic relationships. Transforming Generosity is an opportunity for each and every one of us to make a promise to God and to our very selves to be transforming generous givers!

Come Sunday. Celebrate. Serve. Learn. Then, save the date of November 4th, Sharing Sunday combined with All Saints Sunday. Give prayerful consideration to your generosity. Fill out your pledge promise. Then, on Sharing Sunday, we’ll give thanks and praise to God for God’s generosity as it continues to transform our lives as Epiphany.

Thank you for your transforming generosity. You’ve taught me much of what it means to give and then give some more and then give some more. Looking forward to feasting with you on Sunday!

