Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock.” Matthew 7:24-25

There are few things more rewarding than witnessing a vision begin to materialize. For the past few years, we have been dreaming about a vibrant youth group, so we put some pieces in place to provide structure for a youth program to grow. I’m here to tell you the youth have arrived! In what feels like the blink of an eye, there are nearly twenty active youth at Epiphany. Our EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) is currently comprised of 6th through 9th graders and will continue to grow to a full 6th – 12th grade group. They are kind, welcoming, and energetic, with hearts wide open to love and serve.

We recently drafted a vision statement inspired by Jesus’ words from Matthew 7 – “In EYC, we desire to build a solid foundation for our youth that will equip and inspire them to be lifelong followers of Jesus.” For each of us, the rain will come, and the winds will blow, and we are sustained by knowing God’s presence in our lives.Jesus said to be hearers and doers of his words. So we learn, pay attention, and go out into the world to live out his teachings. Our hope is to nourish relationships and model discipleship for our youth so that they can continue living faithfully as they grow into adulthood.

One of my favorite descriptions of youth ministry is that of a constellation of relationships. Rather than having one central rock star figure that the youth are looking towards, we are all connected in a beautiful design that ensures each youth has “multiple adults pouring into his or her life” (Sustainable Youth Ministry by Mark DeVries). This makes all of us active participants in the life of our youth. We are walking together as disciples, pointing each other towards God. We are so fortunate to have multiple adults who graciously give of their time and talent to lead our youth. Kathleen Bellis and Ryan Hale both have years of experience working with youth groups. Gwynn Crichton will be joining in as well to offer her gifts and expand her experience with Youth and Family Ministry.

In EYC, we gather to be spiritually fed so that we can go into the world to love and serve courageously. The 6th and 7th graders now have a Sunday School class with Emma Matos-Irby. Once a month they participate in one of Epiphany’s outreach programs. Last week, they prepared the napkins and utensils for the Hot Meals bags that were distributed to the homeless in Fairfax. On the second and fourth Sunday of each month, the 7th – 9th graders gather with Kathleen, Ryan, and Gwynn for Sunday Circle from 11:30-12:30. They have lunch, team-building activities, and a Bible discussion. Throughout the year, all youth are invited to events such as a Haunted Hayride, The Escape Room, Movie Nights, and retreats at Shrine Mont. We will be adding a bulletin board to the Gathering Space that is specifically for EYC information. Please check there for calendars, Sunday schedules, and forms for upcoming events.

Thank you for your support as parents, volunteers, and partners in ministry. You help make this growth possible. We are all part of this beautiful constellation, ready to shine like stars in the universe.

With love,


Dana Hale
Children, Youth, and Family Minister
Epiphany Episcopal Church
(703) 466-5200 ext. 106