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by Epiphany Communications

“…for the children of this age are more shrewd…than are the children of the light.” Luke 16:8 Dear Friends: Outrageous actions. Shocking thievery. Incredulous dishonesty. We read and hear about this kind of behavior daily. And, while we are a people of decency, what Jesus calls, “people of the light”, we know all too well […]

Why Do I Give?

by Epiphany Communications

“…and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be asked.”Luke 12:48b Dear Friends: “Why do you give?” Last night, several faithful folks gathered around a table to talk about the ministry of parish life. The conversation evolved into responding to the question all with Epiphany are invited to answer, “why […]


by Epiphany Communications

“You are the light of the world…shining…for all the world to see.” Matthew 5:14 Dear Friends: Launch Sunday is this Sunday, September 8th. What are we launching? A brightly spirited fall list of offerings for everyone! We’re excited to be Shining Our Light! First, Sunday School launches Sunday for children beginning at preschool age through […]

Table Talk with Jesus

by Epiphany Communications

“…when you give a banquet, invite the poor, crippled, lame, and blind” Luke 14:13 Dear Friends: Sunday we’ll take a look at some table talk of Jesus as he issues his dinner party etiquette. We’ll honor Labor Day with a prayer over our work. We’ll ask for God’s blessings over our third graders as they […]

Solid Foundation

by Epiphany Communications

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on rock.” Matthew 7:24-25 Dear Friends: The […]

On the move…

by Epiphany Communications

“Unite us to your Son, that we may be acceptable through him, being sanctified by the Holy Spirit.” (The Book of Common Prayerp. 369). Dear Friends: We’re on the move. Beginning Sunday, we’ll join with The Fairfax County Bicycle and Pedestrian team in the celebration of “Bike & Walk to Worship Week”! So, ride your […]

What do we do?

by Epiphany Communications

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3 Dear Friends: Once again, our hearts are saddened. Once again we’re praying the prayer to end gun violence wondering if it is a broken record. Once again we turn to God in prayer, that somehow in our world we can love better than we hate. […]

We’re invited!

by Epiphany Communications

“…this is the Lord’s Table. Christ is the host and we are the guests.“  Dear Friends:  When sharing a meal with friends and family, how do you know you are a most beloved guest? Is the table covered in a beautifully laid tablecloth? Are candles waiting to be lit? How about their best china and […]


by Epiphany Communications

“…Lord, teach us to pray,…” Luke 11:1b Dear Friends: “Help, Help, Help. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Wow, Wow, Wow” are three indispensable prayers, necessary in our relationship with God, according to author Anne Lamott. Prayer is “responding to God, by thought and by deeds, with or without words” (The Book of Common Prayerpage […]


by Epiphany Communications

“…Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his message.” Luke 10:39 Dear Friends: “Person A: How’s it going?Person B: I’m insanely busy. You know, the usual.Person A: Yeah, me too. I’m scheduling into 2015 already.Person B: I get it. Haven’t taken a real vacation in over a year.Person A: Well, gotta count our blessings for being busy, […]